Die Hard or buzz kill? How “Fans” Ruin Movies
Have you ever gone to a movie, liked it, and then gone online to check out thoughts from “the common
Read moreHave you ever gone to a movie, liked it, and then gone online to check out thoughts from “the common
Read moreWith the incessant talk of global competitiveness and the importance of keeping up with other developed nations, it’s nice to
Read moreThe pay discrepancy between men and women may be a hot topic these days, but the issue is rarely discussed
Read moreDon’t everyone lie at once now. It’s like a political version of Survivor: 10 candidates in the running, with a
Read moreConversations about differing beliefs, be they political, social or religious, can get touchy. That’s just life. But when you’re conversing
Read moreOn the night of the Democratic debates, my uncle was probably playing Solitaire on his Kindle or watching a NOVA
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