Liberalism is killing this nation
Like most of you, I have seen the video of South Carolina school resource officer Ben Fields arresting a student who refused to hand over her cell phone to her teacher. As a retired teacher who spent 29 of his 30 year career teaching at the middle and high school levels, I was not shocked by what I saw play out. Arrests over seemingly small incidents like this are more common than you think and in many cases serve as the only real education kids like the girl in the video ever receive.
Several people have tried turning this incident into a racial matter since the girl is black and the cop is white. These people have their own agenda and are quick to play the race card whenever possible while they ignore the fact the arresting officer has been in a long standing relationship with a black woman.
The NAACP and ACLU has no problem coming to the defense of a student who was entirely responsible for destroying the educational process of her classmates because she values her cell phone more than she respects learning. Why aren’t these groups coming to the defense of the millions of good school children who every year receive an inadequate education because of the actions of self absorbed teen who do not give a damn about anyone or anything but themselves?
Others have gone so far as to say this was no way to treat a female. Not only are they wrong in this case, this argument only adds to the notion women should be treated differently than men, even when they break the law.

This is one reason why we have far more males incarcerated than females. It also does not help when we have a liberal-minded presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, who jumps at every opportunity to play the gender card. It’s why, I believe, if she is elected as our next president, we can expect to see a gender war added to our nation’s growing race war.
As a retired teacher, I can tell you plenty about this student. Over the course of 30 years, I had countless like her. They come in all racial groups and both genders, but they share one thing in common: a belief the rules and consequences for breaking them do not apply to them. This student got what she deserved and was the end result of the creation of a society built around a sense of entitlement. Not surprisingly, this shift began during the Bill Clinton administration and has only grown worse since.
With high school girls, it might be a cell phone, make up, or hairbrush. With boys, it is usually their headphones. I have even seen sixth graders pull the same stunt when asked to hand over their Pokeman cards.
Liberals have created a public school system built around the concept kids can do anything they want, parents do not need to be held accountable, and the idea we will create any kind of school or program for any misfit out there. It’s why in California, a student who cusses out a teacher is considered protected under free speech while the teacher is held accountable for that kid’s lack of progress. Why? Because liberals smell the money that can be made off of the backs of tax payers and have turned education into a business for their profit and not for the good of society.
Go ahead, bring a child into this world and our schools will feed it for you. Send him to school an hour late, we will still feed him breakfast before sending him to class. We won’t punish his late arrival by requiring him to make up his missed educational time during recess or after school in detention because we do not want to damage his self esteem, or put mom or dad out and make her come to school and explain why he is always late.
We won’t suspend him for his misbehavior because the school knows he is better off being at school than staying home under his parents care, or lack there of. All of this sends a message to kids they can come and go as they please and never be held accountable. Worse, it tells their baby making machines of mothers and missing fathers you will never be held accountable for bringing a child into this world.
Add in a home life where the parents never graduated from high school and have no valuable skills to offer society, but every time they have a kid our government gives them an increase in assistance. Toss in the use of drug and alcohol abuse, violence, and such dysfunction that the kid thinks yelling is the only way people communicate and the problem worsens.
Then stuff the kid on a diet of spicy Cheetos and soda and you have just created another generation of morons who will make our prison population swell while decent law abiding adults opt out of bringing kids into this world because they do not want to expose them to this liberal nonsense.
I am not interested in hearing the argument that claims conservatives are to blame because they want cut spending or programs to help these people. The money is wasted and the programs do not work. Besides, it is not expecting too much of people to conform to the norms of society rather than creating programs that end up enabling behaviors that are wrecking this nation.
The very people who are not fit to bring life into this world are killing this country and liberals keep rewarding them each time a kid falls from their womb. Meanwhile, the people who can provide a good upbringing for another generation of children choose not to while being taxed to death just so they can pay to turn our country into a giant island of misfits.
Yes, every now and then, some kids from horrific backgrounds manage to make it in this world. However, the numbers do not lie. We have 2.5 million Americans incarcerated and the number keeps growing no matter how many prison release programs liberals create. There is a shortage of judges, law enforcement officers, teachers, and child welfare workers. One in fourteen American kids have a parent in prison and the number jumps to one in nine in the black community.
Why? From this teacher’s perspective, it has a lot to do with our watered down expectations of student behavior while creating overly demanding academic standards that most children can not meet.
Have you ever seen a third grader give up on their education? I have. They know at an early age they cannot keep up in class and believe there is no point in trying. Do you know what it is like to see that same kid as an eighth grader who knows no matter how horrific their behavior and school work are, he will be passed on to high school the next year just so their middle school does not have to deal with him? I do.
Do you know what it is like to see that student a year later as a high school freshman who believes he was cut from the football team because of his skin color or because the coach just didn’t like him, not because he has failed all of his classes?
And how about parents? Have you tried to talk to them about their son or daughter only to hear, “Well, when he is at school, he is your problem so don’t call me,” or “I tell my girl she has a right to use her phone whenever she wants and to never hand it over to the school,” or “I just know my kid will end up in prison, I just hope it isn’t for murder.”
Ben Fields did his job and he did it to perfection. The student in question broke a school rule regarding the use of cell phones. Next, she refused to comply with the teacher and hand it over because she believed the rules of society do not apply to her. She then doubled down and refused to comply with the school’s assistant principal, again, believing she is entitled to call the shots. When Ben Fields showed up, she tried once more to convince people she was in the right and the rest of the world was wrong to expect her to conform to any rules.
Ben Fields taught this student a much-needed lesson. To punish him and make him out to be the bad guy in all of this only adds to the liberal notion we should all be allowed to ignore rules, prevent good kids from receiving their rightful education, and to never be held accountable for any of our actions. In other words, the tail should be allowed to wag the dog without ever expecting to get bit.
In the end, this student and her family will receive a nice sum of money in a law suit settlement and will blow it on a bunch of worthless crap. Ben Fields will be run out of law enforcement and be forced to find a new line of work. Worse, a nation of self absorbed kids with parents who had no business procreating in the first place will be further enabled to believe we are not a nation of laws, just one of suggested behaviors.
Without order, learning never takes place. Many, perhaps most, of the best lessons our children learn in school have nothing to do with academics and everything to do with mastering the expected behaviors of a law abiding nation. To think we can shove a academic-heavy curriculum down the throats of kids ill equipped to master while allowing them to never be held accountable for their behavior is ludicrous.
For a person who values law and order and who resents seeing his taxes wasted on people who refuse to contribute to this society, this makes sense. However, to a liberal, I am sure you will come up with plenty of labels for me and others who think you are the problem and not the solution.
Video of the assault.

Jim is a life long resident of California and retired school teacher with 30 years in public education. Jim earned his BA in History from CSU Chico in 1981 and his MA in Education from Azusa Pacific University in 1994. He is also the author of Teaching The Teacher: Lessons Learned From Teaching. Jim considers himself an equal opportunity pain in the ass to any political party, group, or individual who looks to profit off of hypocrisy. When he is not pointing out the conflicting words and actions of our leaders, the NFL commissioner, or humans in general, he can be found riding his bike for hours on end while pondering his next article. Jim recently moved to Camarillo, CA after being convinced to join the witness protection program.