Rep. Tony Cárdenas responds to President’s attack on sanctuary cities
Cárdenas: Trump Puts Politics Over Public Safety
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today U.S. Representative Tony Cárdenas released the following statement regarding the Trump Administration’s decision to withhold grant funds from “sanctuary cities.”
“The Trump Administration’s attack on sanctuary cities is unwarranted and misguided. As the facts have shown time and again, sanctuary cities are both safer and better off economically. This Administration’s backwards policies will make life worse for the millions of Americans that live in these cities. We’ve already seen the dangerous impacts his immigration policies have had on our communities – from preventing folks from reporting crimes to causing terror and fear among our neighbors. I’m disturbed by this Administration’s disrespect and arrogance towards our local law enforcement.”
Rep. Cárdenas has consistently fought for the right of local law enforcement agencies to determine their own policies. Most recently, he has supported the Safeguarding Sanctuary Cities Act. Additionally, he joined his colleagues on a letter to President Trump opposing his January 25, 2017 executive order on sanctuary cities.
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