Hike for fun and health: The 5th Annual Hollywood Health Hike
We would like to remind everyone of the 5th Annual Hollywood Health Hike. Radio talk show host, author and columnist Ron Irwin will lead the hike on Sunday, April 28th 2019. This event has drawn many participants including movie stars, but its principle reason is grounded in Ron’s passionate war against obesity.
Irwin, a former Vietnam War combat veteran, suffered congestive heart failure on December 18, 2012 and the prognosis wasn’t good. If he survived doctors said he would be a cardiac invalid for the rest of his days. At the time he weighed 316 pounds. After 26 days in the hospital he was well enough to go home.
Soon after he was diagnosed with advanced stage prostate cancer. He had 42 radiation treatments and in the process he became committed to walking for his health and he would walk to his radiation treatments as much as possible. Soon the cancer left his body.
As Ron approached his 70th birthday decided to celebrate the significant fact that was still alive at age 70. That celebration became the first Hollywood Health Hike. The route has changed over the years but the hike is still about 12 miles and the purpose is still about Ron’s war on obesity.
The 5th Annual Hollywood Health Hike will depart at 9:30 a.m. on April 28th from a store at 1307 N. San Fernando Blvd, Burbank, CA . Hikers will pass Disney Studios, Burbank Studios, Warner Brothers and other interesting local landmarks. About half way through the hike they will break for lunch before continuing to their start point.
There are NO fees involved, NO registration forms are required and NO trinkets and thrash to buy. This is 100% about good health and having some fun. Those wishing to participate need only to send their name by email to: [email protected] and indicate whether or not they want lunch along the way because that is the only thing participants need to pay for but only if they want it. Upon receipt of that email they will be given further details

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