Tips to Ensure that your AC System is Functioning at Peak Efficiency

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Summers do get hot if you live in Texas. And when the outdoor temperature becomes unbearable, you want to retreat in a cool, comfortable home. Sure, your AC system may appear to be working correctly, when you turn it on, but are you confident it is at its peak efficiency? With the government putting a premium on energy conservation, what can you do to ensure that you are not paying more than you should on your utility bills?

Maintenance is critical in optimum AC efficiency

A higher energy efficiency rating means that the air conditioner wastes less energy, but maintains optimum cooling performance. A high-efficiency AC system is ideal, but it does not mean you need to replace your unit right away. If your AC system is not more than ten years old, there are still a few preventive and maintenance checks you can regularly perform to improve its output.

In addition to scheduling a twice a year tune-up with an AC repair Austin technician, you also need to do your part in checking for potential issues.

Tips on improving AC efficiency

As a leading AC maintenance company, recommends proper upkeep. One mark of an efficient air conditioner is sufficient airflow. When the system is blocked, the motor works harder than necessary; hence, using more energy than it usually would. To prevent this problem, take note of the following tips:

  • Keep the outdoor unit clean. A split AC system consists of an indoor and outdoor unit. If your air conditioning system has an outdoor unit, you need to make sure that it is cleared of any debris, such as rotten leaves and growing weeds. The outdoor unit works like a vehicle radiator, and if it’s blocked, the motor works twice as hard.
  • Schedule maintenance and tuning. A yearly tune-up is sufficient. But, it is much better to have your AC serviced at least twice each year. Preventive maintenance checks are the best way to spot issues before they become full-blown problems. During a scheduled tune-up with an expert HVAC Austin technician, they will conduct a thorough inspection of the entire system and replace parts if necessary.
  • Regularly replace filters. Filters need to be cleaned or replaced quarterly. Blocked air filters impede airflow. Not only does it reduce efficiency, but it is also harmful to your health. If the air filters cannot remove dust and pollutants properly, you and your family may get sick from breathing contaminated air.
  • Fix leaks in the ductwork. Air ducts can get damaged over time. Holes and leaks will also overwork the system and reduce its efficiency.

Lastly, consider switching to a new high-efficiency air conditioner from Trane. As a leading manufacturer of reliable AC residential systems, you are guaranteed a cooling appliance that provides optimum comfort for your home.

In conclusion, maintaining an efficient AC system is vital to minimizing energy consumption. With the right appliance, a regular maintenance plan, and proper operation and care, you can keep cool throughout summer and not worry about paying a high utility bill.