Burbank resident and USMC vet Ron Irwin announces his play about his Vietnam experience
BURBANK, CA working together with Burbank resident and screenwriter Rick Perry, Ron Irwin is near completion of his story with the working title of “1051 RVN.” It is a two act play highlighting some of the most powerful and mind blowing experiences of then Marine Corps Corporal Ronald Irwin during his service in Chu Lai, Vietnam.
Ron Irwin as a young Marine First day tracer rounds light up the night sky and there is a rat attack
- Battles with Malaria and Dengue Fever and a very unexpected drug overdose
- Mortar attacks
- Napalm on the village
- An encounter with the North Vietnamese Army — NVA
And several other highlights of his 13 months in hell, all told with a large dose of dark humor; for it is that element of humor that kept Ron and thousands of other veterans more or less sane through it all.
“I am extremely pleased to finally tell this story after so many years. My greatest desire is that the show will richly entertain as it also illuminates the Vietnam experience and provides a little better understanding of what so many veterans of so many wars have given for our nation. I am further thrilled to have the wonderful help of both Rick Perry and Paul Gant on this project. I am committed to having this show premier in Los Angeles early next year.”
Anyone wishing to contact Ron can do so by email: [email protected]
Top photo courtesy Wikipedia — Other photo by Ron Irwin