Cold War: The sequel

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Divided by dictators, our current foreign policy strands us between Bashir Al-Assad and Vladimir Putin – all against Iran and the possibility of nuclear weapons and chemical weapons and otherwise thoughts of doom that can render anybody confounded or distressed. I like to think that some classified plan exists, which we the public cannot know about, such that we can defeat any dictatorship and create a reality of worldwide diplomacy. Of course, Islam divided itself many centuries ago, in that the prophet Mohammed was split by a metaphorical and – it also seems – a literal sword such that Muslims have since wanted to kill one another and betray the original ideals of their faith.

Soviet leadership, 1975, Leonid Breshnev on the right. (YouTube)
Soviet leadership, 1975, Leonid Breshnev on the right.

It seems that, during Cold War days, two diplomats could swill vodka and overcome any differences that might have been separating their leaders — even by virtue of their separate populations. The purity of jihadist belief negates any possibility of peace or collaboration. They demand that their version of society be enacted without change or compromise. They seem to want to die, or do not mind the thought of dying.

During the Cold War we allied with Stalin. But, as of today, we could never ally with Bashir Al-Assad — considering that he was never willing to negotiate and that he was exterminating those among his citizens who disagreed with his supposed right to rule forever. It seems that we are alone and divided by our enemies.

Vladimir Putin (YouTube)
Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin, with all his homophobia and invading nationalism, would never ally with us against Iran and their nuclear program — even though those negotiations seem to have yielded some success — all of which John Kerry can take some credit for. Even if President Obama seems to have undercut him just as military advisors seem to enjoy undercutting our leader, President Obama.

As for that classified information I alluded to earlier, I can only hope that it exists as a plan to eliminate our enemies by playing them against one another — be sure to remember that Barack Obama is clever — even if we might question his ability to foster national compromise. Part of me wishes that Hillary Clinton was still in her previous post as Secretary of State, not just a possible President.

Vladimir Putin, of course, still has his dilemmas with Chechnya — and that could have been used to sway him to our side if we had paid more attention to Ukraine before Putin turned into a conqueror. Every government has classified information, and I believe that the only solution to these current problems exists beyond our knowledge. If I worked in that community, and yes, those are valid jobs aside from “conspiracy theory,” I would not be able to console anybody. However, I would have the comfort of knowing that something could be done to defeat the enemy in agreement or comparison with diplomacy itself.

Bashir Al-Assad (YouTube)
Bashir Al-Assad

Barack Obama and his advisors need to leave each other alone in public by not contradicting one another in public, even if they feel the need to do so in private.

Between Putin and Al-Assad, we can continue to win the eternal “war on terror,” but only if Europe puts forth economic damnation for both Putin and Al-Assad. We could and should have armed Syrian rebels in the first place, we could and should have confronted Putin before his nationalism became a matter of conquering Ukraine, we could and should have reacted to ISIL before it became more of a threat — but I trust that Barack Obama will ignore a possible place in history. I trust that he will consider the present-day. He need not think of himself as a portrait on a wall. Instead, he will use the diplomatic community and the worldwide intelligence community to defeat ISIS, Putin and Al-Assad — however classified those methods and ideas might have to remain.