Council member Paul Koretz proposes banning bicycles from Westwood Blvd
Biking L.A. reported in their daily blog that City Council member (CD5) Paul Koretz actually said he wanted to ban bicycles on Westwood Blvd.
There are motorists that no doubt agree with the councilman, but with bike lanes getting built, or at least marked on existing streets all over the state, along with the move to a greener society that is trying to lower the number of gas-burning, pollution-emitting vehicles on the streets, banning bicycles would appear to be going against the course of society and history, at least in Los Angeles and California.
What makes banning bicycles on Westwood Blvd all the more remarkable is that it cuts through UCLA where a large number of students, faculty and staff workers rely on bicycles to get around through the course of a day. It’s hard to imagine the police department trying to manage bicyclists in that area.
It is unlikely, as long as banning bicycles remains against state law, but many people believe Koretz’s statement points to a faction of society that is unwilling to move forward on a more sustainable society.
The plan many in the Los Angeles area support is an increase in bike lanes and protected bike lanes, making it much safe and cleaner for residents to get around the Los Angeles area with contributing to the pollution that plagues the planet. Taking protected bike lanes from downtown Los Angeles to the Santa Monica Pier seems like a fantasy, but the possibility exists as more protected bikes are getting built.
Studies have shown that the number of bicyclists in Los Angeles increased 52 percent after bike lanes were built. Besides generating jobs to build and maintain protected bike lanes, studies have shown that bike lanes actually increase tax revenue as bike riders stop and use businesses along the various bike lanes.
Thanks to Biking L.A. and Bike The Vote for bringing this to everyone’s attention.
Top photo: Intersection of Westwood and Santa Monica Blvds (Google Maps)

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