Dan Sugimoto takes a close up look at suicide

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HOLLYWOOD, CA — Dan Sugimoto, best known for his roles in “This Keeps Happening” and “Fantasy Fights,” is launching a play written by him entitled: A DATE WITH DEATH – A Musical Romance.

It examines his personal perspective on the topic of suicide. Fortunately for Dan both his play and his own experience has a happy ending. This is often not the case with more than 44,000 deaths from suicide in America each year. Clearly suicide is a matter that demands discussion for the greater good of humanity but for too long it has been tabooed by society.

Finally Dan Sugimoto brings a tough subject to the audience in a way that is informative as well as entertaining,

Now on Wednesday morning November 7th 2018 Dan Sugimoto will discuss his play, his life and his vision with Dr Ron Irwin from 11:00 am until noon. The easiest way to hear the show is to go to here  or here.

The Dr. Ron Show” originates from Universal Broadcasting Network, Sunset Gower Studios, Hollywood, CA.  It is produced and hosted by Dr. Ron Irwin and is dedicated to advancing health, wealth and happiness through a wide and diverse range of guests and personal commentary.