Hillary Clinton getting no challenges
The most revealing parts of Hillary Clinton’s most recent “town hall meeting” in Portsmouth, New Hampshire were not her answers but the comments from her questioners.
First questioner – “This is such an honor. You look stunning. It’s a dream come true (to praise you).”
Second question – QA gentleman from Liberia notes that African nation has a lady president and hopes that Hillary follows in her footsteps.
Another questioner – “First I want to say I love you – and I mean it.”
A fourth questioner – a lady from Alabama – issues a heartfelt plea.
“Secretary Clinton – please don’t leave us to the Republicans!”
Finally, Hillary made her very first comment on economic policy.
“Our economy does better when we have a Democrat in the White House.”
Another question – this time from a little girl:
“My mother deserves to get more money than my father. I don’t think it’s fair.”
This problem evokes a heartfelt response from The Candidate:
“That is really so sweet! You have a great future as an advocate.”
There really is no need or incentive for Hillary Clinton to venture out of this cozy comfort zone for the rest of the campaign.
Her Republican rivals are a rowdy, chaotic shambles.
Her only two potentially formidable rivals Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have already given as many hostages to fortune in their comments as she could desire for her bombardment of attack ads when the heavyweight campaign finally kicks off next year after the two big party conventions.
Hillary was serene in Portsmouth and, barring a truly stunning upset from Senator Bernie Sanders, she can afford to be. She has all the confidence of an incumbent Soviet Communist Party First Secretary pretending she needs to campaign for re-election to the Central Committee.
This is the state of the dominant political party in the United States in the second decade of the 21st century. It is in a state of sycophancy.
Think of what real political debate once meant in the Land of the Brave and the Home of the Free.
Think about it – and weep.
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Martin Sieff is former Chief Foreign Correspondent for The Washington Times and former Managing Editor, International Affairs at United Press International. His most recent book is: Gathering Storm: The Seventh Era of American History and the Coming Crises That Will Lead to It (Amazon-Kindle 2015). Follow Martin at www.martinsieff.com

Martin Sieff is a former senior foreign correspondent for The Washington Times and former Managing Editor, International Affairs for United Press International. Mr. Sieff is the author of “That Should Still Be Us: How Thomas Friedman’s Flat World Myths Are Keeping Us Flat on Our Backs” (Wiley 2012) and “The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Middle East” (Regnery, 2008). He has received three Pulitzer Prize nominations for international reporting.