How Assurity DMS Can Serve You

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If you’ve ever applied for any type of loan, you know how difficult the process can be if you are already burdened with debt or struggling with a low credit score. Assurity DMS is a company with over 50 years of combined financial industry experience that they can leverage to help you improve your situation. They understand that every client has unique needs that demand a customized solution and work with you as you work toward your financial goals.

If debt collectors are hounding you at all hours, Assurity DMS can make you aware of both federal and local-level consumer protections that can grant you some relief. Assurity DMS also offers a debt relief program that allows you to transition what you owe to third-party debt collectors, making more monthly payments more manageable. Assurity may even be able to show you why one or more of your debts aren’t valid, making them disappear in an instant. Doesn’t that sound nice?

The Assurity debt relief program generally lasts anywhere from 10-36 months. Variables that influence how long the process lasts include your specific financial circumstances and your level of engagement with the program. Your active participation is essential to ensuring a positive outcome.

Your credit score is likely to decrease at the beginning of the program before stabilizing at a lower number and then gradually increasing as you move toward graduation. You are always in complete control over which debts you enroll in the program, allowing you to maintain your financial independence as well.

Your original creditors retain the legal right to sue you and any debt collectors you are working with, but most Assurity clients never need to deal with this. Nevertheless, Assurity DMS has partnered with a national law firm to provide legal support in case you are in the small minority that needs it.

Good financial habits are an essential component of any recovery plan, and Assurity’s is no exception. The company offers both short-term financial counseling and long-term financial planning services to help you smartly manage your finances. In fact, the company prides itself on its superior long-term financial planning services. Assurity DMS will provide the support you need to develop strong financial decision-making skills.

Similarly, Assurity DMS can help you improve your credit score. The company’s credit monitoring service alerts customers as soon as their credit score changes: whether positively or negatively. You will be notified promptly if any suspicious activity is detected on your accounts. Armed with this valuable information, you can take proactive steps to improve your credit score and gain access to favorable loans and financial services that other people may take for granted.

If all of this sounds too good to be true, you should know that Assurity DMS is not a charity: clients are billed monthly for their participation in the debt relief program and additional services. That said, the company is committed to helping individuals in dire financial straits reach for their goals, and will work with customers who cannot afford their monthly payments. Most of the company’s employees have firsthand experience with financial hardships, so they will be able to empathize with you on every step of your journey.

If you would like to learn more about Assurity DMS or are ready to try them out for yourself, the contact form at is the best way to connect with the company. Simply access the website on your favorite internet-enabled device and navigate to the “Contact” tab on the far right of the home page’s banner. The “FAQ” tab located to the left of it may also address any concerns you have.