Karrie Ross balances energy flow through her experiental art residency
Los Angeles (February 2017) — Shoebox Projects is pleased to announce a residency project and exhibition by Los Angeles based artist Karrie Ross. Ross has been exhibiting her works since the 1980s and although she creates drawings, paintings and installations the focus of her endeavors is in essence the integration of art and life. As one reviewer has remarked, “Ross’ artwork is about the pursuit of answerable questions. She lives for them, and frames a life through the use of questions, rules and parameters.” Her two-dimensional works on paper and canvas are energetic abstractions bursting with energy, created with a wide-range of materials — oil, acrylic, watercolor, ink, collage, metal leaf and pencil. In addition to making visual art, Ross has also published numerous books in an ongoing series entitled “Our Ever Changing World.”
Got Shui? A Moment, with Karrie Ross is both a book and an installation. Ross will be on location at Shoebox Projects from February 13 – March 19, 2017 and during her residency she will illustrate the myriad ways Feng Shui is integrated into her life and her art. In the Installation / Performance 11 chairs will be set up three rows of three with two in the middle as yin/yang and representing a ‘corner’ of the energy Ba-gua. The chairs will be arranged according to the preferred energy flow. Visitors are invited to join the performance, helping to paint the chairs to embellish the color of each corner. In addition viewers can sit in the chairs and engage in conversation about the colors and energy flows represented in the work. Ross will also provide information about Feng Shui and via discussion, help the audience members achieve better Feng Shui via new arrangements of furniture in their homes.
Ross will document her interactions and post information as well as a link to her book Got Shui: Feng Shui Tips, Trips and Transformations on her website. At the end of the residency, the painted chairs will be offered for sale, with proceeds going to the ACLU.
About Karrie Ross
Karrie Ross, a native Los Angelino has been exhibiting her artwork since the 1980s. Her artwork is included in corporate, retail collections, and installations around the world. Her exhibitions include over 125 shows between 2010 and 2016: including local and international museums and galleries. Ross has been written up in publications such as Hollywood Today, the Los Angeles Times and the Huffington Post. Ross also publishes an artist story art-project-book “Our Ever Changing World” with the main focus of creating community, and documenting the California Art Scene. These publications are available on Amazon or on Ross’ personal website.
About Shoebox Projects
Shoebox Projects is a new experimental art space in DTLA, where emerging and mid-career artists are given an opportunity to freely experiment with new ideas and directions for their practice. Founded by Kristine Schomaker, multimedia artist and director of Shoebox PR, Shoebox Projects intends to give artists a chance to recharge and renew their relationship with their work.
Shoebox Projects
660 South Avenue 21 #3
Los Angeles CA 90031