Rodrigo Lizarraga’s Top Reasons To Use Video In Social Media Campaigns

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As a creator, graphic designer and art director, Rodrigo Lizarraga knows a thing or two about the benefits of using video in social media campaigns. As social media has changed the way in which we consume information and communicate over recent years, content marketers have had to find new and exciting methods of delivering content. It’s not too surprising that video has risen to the fore.

“Visual content has become over 40 times more shareable than content that’s just text-based.” Lizarraga says, “and that’s why I recommend it to companies of all types and sizes when they want to find a communication channel that’s truly engaging for audiences.”

However, as Lizarraga points out, while many business leaders know that video is becoming more important for social media campaigns they still fail to understand just how vital it can be.

“It’s been predicted that videos will account for over 80% of internet consumer traffic within the next year,” Lizarraga notes, “so companies must consider their options as they go forward and seriously think about including video in their social media campaigns.”

With this in mind, Rodrigo gives these top reasons why videos should be in your marketing arsenal.

Rodrigo Lizarraga (Courtesy photo)

Videos Grab Attention

It’s been demonstrated that video is one of the best tools to attract an audience. Unlike long-winded paragraphs that are hard to consume, videos are fun and engaging to watch. Since there is so much content out there, only content that is truly compelling will usually get our attention, and this is where video excels. It can capture the interest of the viewers in just a few seconds. Information can be condensed down into snippets of easily digestible content that grabs the attention of the viewer while also leaving them wanting to see more.

Search Optimization

Social media platforms have rapidly become like a search engine, and video content can contribute to your SEO strategy. Creating relevant and gripping content is important, but it’s also key to add compelling descriptions and headlines for videos so it can appear in searches. By doing this, it’s possible to raise brand awareness even more and drive up traffic to the company’s website.

Driving Conversions

Whatever social platform companies are using, having a specific goal for a video is vital. Whether its goal is to drive up traffic to the company website, persuading consumers to purchase a product to just to share the video, the CTA that you add at the end can drive up conversions and help increase your business’s revenue.

Maximizing Trending Topics

Delivering content to audiences that is relevant and interesting is imperative. Using video is a great way to give brands a unique voice and lets them move rapidly to take maximum advantage of consumer behavior, news stories and viral content. A lot of brands are now incorporating real-time techniques like these to enter into social conversations and it’s a great way to make companies seem more relevant and more like an authority in their field.

Boosting Brand Exposure

The power of video can be harnessed to boost brand exposure. Logos have a key role to play as a point of connection between consumers and a company, and when they’re used in videos they can make brands even more recognizable.

If businesses watermark their videos with their logo, their brand can become instantly recognizable while building up corporate trust with time. It’s important, though to ensure that picture and sound quality are good so that the brand’s credibility isn’t tarnished and user interaction can be maximized.

Showing The Human Side Of The Business

One of the top uses of video in social media campaigns is to allow consumers to see the human side of the business. Consumers today want brands to be transparent, and video allows companies to show that element of their organization. They can humanize what they do, showing how their company works and creating more familiarity with the individual who work for the brand. This encourages those who are engaging with the brand to convert into customers.

Tracking Engagement

Tracking engagement is important for any marketing campaign, and using video as part of your social media campaign allows this to take place with ease. Monitoring videos’ progression allows companies to determine what’s working and what isn’t, so that they can adjust future marketing campaigns, and the majority of social media platforms have inbuilt analytic features that make this tracking easy.

The Benefits For Businesses

As Rodrigo Lizarraga has demonstrated, including videos in social media campaigns is a great option for businesses of all types and sizes.

“With so many benefits to enjoy, it’s certainly something that business leaders should be seriously considering,” says Lizarraga, “and it’s something that I always recommend to companies that I work with.”