Seventeen trillion in debt
Dear Editor,
The government pays 800 Billion Dollars in interest per year. If the government keeps going further in debt it will cause the dollar to drop in value. The dollar could become worthless. How do the American people pay off 17 trillion dollars?
- 1) Have all Americans, men, women and children pay $54,000 each in taxes. That’s one way.
- 2) Have the American government not go into any more debt. Pay 1 Million every minute for 34 years. This will pay it off.
- 3) Have the government raise taxes by 20% for everyone. This will gain them 1 trillion extra per year. This will pay the debt off in 17 years.
Americans if you don’t like any of these choices you’ll just have to face it that it can never be paid off. The dollar will become worthless. Your IRA and 401K will be worthless. This is what our founding fathers said in The Declaration of Independence, “If our government becomes destructive to our life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness it is the right of the people to alter or abolish that government and institute a new government”. Good Luck.
John Hogue

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