‘Shame of Thrones: The Musical’ A song of laughter and fun

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After a successful run off Broadway Shame of Thrones: The Musical is revamped and back in Los Angeles at the Whitefire Theatre in Sherman Oaks, California. It’s directed by Rachael Stein and produced by Steven Christopher Parker, Steven Brandon, Erin Stegeman and Ace Marrero.

It is 90 minutes of hilarity amplified and enhanced by abundant song. And in a rather rare move in musical theatre the producers have created a digital recording of all the music in the show and made it available to all who want it at a very reasonable price. But before further discussion of Shame of Thrones: The Musical  let’s take a brief look at its inspiration, the monster hit HBO show Game of Thrones.

Thrones is largely based on the writings of George R. R. Martin in his fictional series A Song of Ice and Fire. that is set in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros on the continent of Essos at a time long long ago. The show portrays a long series of dynastic struggles amongst various noble families, some fighting for the Iron Throne while others fight for independence. Showrunner David Benioff in jest said of Game of Thronesthat the show’s tagline should be “The Sopranos in Middle-earth.”

The show, the musical show that is, Shame of Thrones: The Musicalopens reasonably enough when George R. R. Martin, masterfully portrayed by Benji Kaufman, comes on stage and goes to his desk where he begins the process of his creating the story that he continues to invent.

It is irreverent and generally hilarious. Interestingly and uniquely Benji seems to remain in character as he relates with audience members during intermission.

But as Act One continues the audience is introduced to a vast array of characters, each contributing to the overall story of their own quest for the Iron Throne.

For more information on the stellar cast and also on show dates and ticketing information you should visit here. But here are just a few additional observations.

Overall the show is simply hilarious and very entertaining, ergo a great show but with a few cautions. The “F” word is also frequently but understandably used. For most people that is not a problem but if you are offended by that word perhaps you should not attend. There are also a few rather sexually suggestive moments in the show. Again they are not gratuitous and they are relevant to the overall story. But again for the super sensitive it is best you know of this in advance. I would strongly recommend no children under 15 because you would probably end up with a whole lot of explaining to do. For the rest of the world go forth and have a great time.

Oh and yes there was just one thing missing that I found to be a little off-putting. At no time did I see a Starbucks cup on stage. Don’t understand? Oh well I guess not everyone has been paying attention to current episodes of Game of Thrones. But you know what, come to think of it, I think HBO should replace Game of Thrones with Shame of Thrones: The Musical and garner an even bigger fan base and audience.

Shame of Thrones: The Musical is playing at the Whitefire Theatre, 13500 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, California now through July 8,every Monday at 8 p.m.  Get your tickets here.

And the Iron Throne goes to?  You figure it out.

Oh should you want to learn more about this great show before experiencing it for yourself here is a recent radio interview with show producer Steven Christopher Parker.

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With Shame of Thrones showing on Mondays only you have six nights a week when you can enjoy a great read and you can find that right here.

Photos by Todd Leykamp






2 thoughts on “‘Shame of Thrones: The Musical’ A song of laughter and fun

  • May 24, 2019 at 5:58 pm

    As the leader of the most savage tribe known in the Westeros World and husband to the Khalessi, I must defend the honor of the show and the Starbucks cup you mentioned.

    There is a whole scene dedicated to it, Ron. SHAME SHAME SHAME! Did you miss the scene by refilling your goblet with Targarita mead?

    In fact, we had STARKBUCKS in the show since before HBO’s mishap. They borrowed that idea from US!

    We’ll have to have you back to get a photo on the iron throne, and so we can ring the bells, and shame you for missing the pivotal scene!

    Jokes aside, thanks for coming and glad you enjoyed SHAME OF THRONES.


  • May 24, 2019 at 5:59 pm

    Thanks for the awesome review, Ron! Glad u had fun! We do a whole scene with a “starkbucks” cup! Then it has another cameo in act 2. Lol all good. I paid a solid $5 for that prop so just want to give it its dues.

    Thanks again for the review! Sure do appreciate it!

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