Should You Microdose CBD? Experts at TruMed CBD Say Yes

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Not sure how to start taking CBDs? Here’s a guide to microdosing.

So you’ve jumped on the bandwagon and decided to try CBDs for the first time. But you’re not sure how much to take or where to start.

Contrary to the advice given by many CBD retailers, more is not always better and the team at TruMed CBD recommends that you microdose to find your sweet spot. The company offers high-quality CBD solutions personalized for the individual.

TruMed CBD explains on their website, “Early studies show that CBD has been most effective for people at a low to moderate dose. We suggest you consult your doctor but always start small and gradually increase until you find your CBD sweet spot.”

Microdosing involves taking small amounts of CBD on a regular schedule, until you figure out what works best for you.

Experiment with Varying Doses

For many people, less will equal more. CBD users don’t always need a high dose to get results, and this is why experts recommend starting with a microdose and increasing if necessary.

Going with a smaller dose will not only save money, but more importantly, a smaller dose can be equally effective for most people. Microdosing mitigates the risk of over stimulating the cannabinoid receptors, and minimizes the potential for side effects.

How Does a Person Do Microdosing?

Microdosing isn’t intended to be done indefinitely over a long period of time.  Instead, microdosing should be used as a technique to identify particular dosage needs. After figuring out the optimal dosage, most users will begin taking that amount two or three times per day.

Figuring out an optimal dose of CBDs will vary with each product. TruMed CBD, for example, offers a variety of different CBD products including lotions, oils, and capsules; and each product has a different level of potency.

What to Keep in Mind

“Re-crystallization is completely natural with CBD products. We recommend shaking the bottle before each use to prevent re-crystallization and to evenly distribute the CBD throughout the bottle to ensure accurate dosage,” explains TruMed CBD.

For people who are already taking CBDs and interested in microdosing, it’s important to allow time for a reset. For those cases, users should wait 48 hours so that the body will reset. After it has reset,  it’s okay to begin microdosing.

Keep in mind when microdosing that the effects of the CBD may not work immediately, and figuring out optimal dosing can take a few weeks.