Solar Eclipse celebrated at Pacific Wheel on Santa Monica Pier
On August 21 the planet will witness a solar eclipse. The best viewing areas for the event will be in the Midwest, but here in Southern California residents can watch it too.
In preparation for the eclipse, Conserve Energy SoCal is sponsoring an eclipse-themed event at the solar-powered Pacific Wheel at Pacific Park on the Santa Monica Pier today (August 16), from 3 p.m.-11 p.m. People can power down their homes and head to the pier to enjoy the light program on the wheel. And of course residents can ride the wheel. People attending will get eclipse viewing glasses. Ten Facebook winners and their guests will receive unlimited ride wrist bands.
According to Conserve Energy SoCal, “… less sunlight reaches our solar panels, meaning solar power output could decrease by more than 60 percent. To prepare, Conserve Energy SoCal is urges consumers to remain aware and ready to act, in case we need to conserve this day. The Wheel’s dazzling lights will serve as a reminder to everyone of the importance of energy conservation.”
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