End User: Virtual reality lives are in the near future

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There’s some crazy stuff coming up in our future. I’m just wondering what it could possibly mean for sex. Okay, let’s think about it.

Prosthetic arms and legs now work on thought. They attach to an implant inserted into the bone and with nerve reassignment surgery you direct the motion as if they were the limbs you were born with. This is cool and getting kind of bionic.

Hug Sweaters — with bluetooth technology, you’ll be able to send your own hug to a friend or loved one. It will be as easy as sending a text to someone in the military, out of the country or in the next room. Literally anywhere if they have a phone. You can send the warmth of your skin, strength of your hug and your heartbeat via bluetooth.

Japan is coming out with something attached to your phone where you can send your own kiss and feel an exact replica of the one being sent to you. No open mouth … yet.

In my research just now, I found that women can get an implant that allows them to climax with a push of a button. Just when you think it can’t get any better!

Now put the prosthetic limb, the kiss, the hug sweater and the implant together and you’ve created the VR body suit. Whew! A few companies are already designing these. In no time at all, they’ll be like GPS and everyone will absolutely have to have a Virtual Reality Body Suit!

Imagine having sex with someone all by yourself!

The future … designing your own online character or avatar. Like a SIMS game. Man, woman, hair, no hair or whatever you choose. Your Future Icon is designed how you want it and you can name it whatever you want. I guess it would be like your email address. Mine would be “Nova 92650”. I am thinking I don’t really want my friends and family to know it’s me so I’ve come up with a name no one knows. Nova 92650 would be synced to my suit and ultimately to me. I would take Nova 92650 to an online city, bar or amusement park where other online characters are.

I could meet someone I like, interact, have sex, a relationship, a whole life. I might even choose to have several characters leading multiple lives without ever leaving my room!

I wonder if my avatars can work in the online city and earn an income?

Will some choose to look like celebrities and then I can finally have Mel Gibson?

I could be ugly or shy in person and no one in my online city would know. I could be the person I always wanted to be! If the relationship went bad and someone tried to hurt me or even rape me, I could just slip out of my body suit and be gone.

Pros and Cons. A lot of Pros, but I can also think of Cons.

There is such a thing as Smell O’Vison. Idk … I guess this can be good AND bad depending on the situation.
Would Mel baby be able to sue the person who literally stole his identity?
Would it stop rape, pedophiles and murder, or cause them?
Would a simulated life be easier where people never leave their homes?
Would we miss real people?
Would this lead to careers as a surrogate mother and designer babies? I say this because if we’re having sex in our VR suits no one would get pregnant anymore.

Or could they?