Sex three times a day
Not happening, right? Or maybe it did when you first dated and then slowed down to three times a week or even worse, month. Okay, to be honest, you say you want it but something else always comes up. To be truthful, you’d be happy with at least once a day, or more on weekends if you can swing it.
Believe it or not, she’d like that too. It’s our nature; our bodies were made for each other. Sex relaxes us both and takes the stress away. It’s good for us, not to mention that it feels good. Men just need to look at women and feel passion, but women need a bit more.
We women can’t turn off our thoughts and worries: work, kids, laundry, dinner and so on. Men can lie down and be snoring in 30 seconds. Women lie awake most of the night just thinking of stuff. So let’s turn her thoughts to you and what she wants to do to you, not what you want to do to her.
Don’t you just love a challenge? Remember dating when you loved the chase? You know how she says something needs to be fixed because it won’t work and you love to figure out why and how good it feels when you make it work? I am not saying your woman needs to be fixed, she’s normal, that was an example to show that it can be fun enticing her.

Let’s look at it this way. Foreplay isn’t just the first five or more minutes of sex. Women love to be loved and feel loved. It’s corny but true. Men like to show their love by going to work every day to support their family, protecting them and seeing to their comfort. That is the best feeling in the world and importantly, it gets us through the day and our lives, but it just doesn’t make women think of sex.
It all comes down to affection and intimacy. I know that there are some men that just aren’t interested, but you are looking at it all wrong. Talk to the men that do express their affection and are intimate, and I can guarantee they have better sex lives. Look at romance novels. Most are written by women for women or smart men. They aren’t full of crap, they are full of foreplay. This is it, you can do it. You’ll love the results.
Women look beautiful and confident but you need to tell your beautiful woman that you think she is pretty, cute or even beautiful if that’s what you think. Appreciate her when she walks by — touch her, and tell her when she does that it turns you on. Kiss her neck or shoulders; rub her back with your warm hands when you hug. Snuggle her often and hold her hand.
Look, it doesn’t have to be 24 hours a day, most women like it subtle. The more foreplay during the day might mean less actual foreplay during sex because she’ll be ready for you.
Experiment, see what works for you. There is no instruction manual and you don’t have to ask for directions, just figure out what works for you and do it. Happy sex to you!

Terri Underwood has always written women’s fiction because she finds it so much fun. Love, sex and relationships all have their ups and downs but without the downs, there would be no ups. She likes to look for the good moments in life and she learned that from her huge loving family who get together often for some of the most hilarious times. Terri is a professional who enjoys hiking, fishing and even camping. She’s a California girl who lived in Arizona for six years before running back to California. She didn’t come away empty-handed though, she learned to look at the sky in Arizona. The billions and billions of stars against a deep black sky, the clouds, beautiful sunsets and thunderstorms, isn’t that what romance is all about?