Mack Prioleau – Tips to Create a Great YouTube Video

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For the last year I have been helping my buddy Mack Prioleau to produce content for his YouTube cannel and we have both learned an incredible amount in a short space of time. YouTube is a great site and it gives you the chance to get out in front of the camera for just about any reason that you can think of. The key to making a popular YouTube video is in the production and it is important that when you are creating content for the video sharing site, that you focus on all of the details.

Here are some tips on how to ensure that you have made a great video.

What Value?

When you make a video and want people to watch it you have to give them a reason. This is why it is so important that you are able to add value to someone’s life, no matter what the theme of the video is. Once you have completed the video that you want to make, watch it back and ask yourself honestly what are you providing the viewer with. Are you offering comedy, information, cause to sit back an think? This is a mutual deal where they watch your video and in return you give them something of value.

Working on your Style

One of the reasons why Mack’s videos are starting to get more views is that he is a natural in front of the camera. Over the last year he has worked on this and he is confident,  clear and very watchable. Not everyone has this gift however and you need to be honest with yourself when you watch your videos back, and decide whether or not you have the necessary presence to hold and capture people’s attention.

Mixing it Up

In my experience creating a video which offers just a single camera angel pointed at the person for the duration doesn’t do very well and this is why you should look to think outside the box to break the video up a little. Try different camera angles, try to add some graphics and some quirky sounds, whatever you have to do to break up the monotony which a single camera angle video can become.


If you are already getting plenty of views and you want to throw up a quick video taken on a selfie camera then that is fine. If you don’t get high volumes of views however you must ensure that you work on the quality of your video. I am talking here about ensuring that the video and the audio quality are of a high standard and also the set which you use to present your video. Every aspect of the video from the way you are dressed to how the room is decorated is important, and you have to produce something which looks as close to professional as possible in order to be taken seriously.