Chinese Medicine Healing Doctor Ivan Figueroa-Otero, MD Releases Life-Changing Fourth Book
If you could see all the knowledge obtained from the lessons of your school of life reflected in the magical mirror of your mind, would it help? Would you welcome it? Retired pediatric surgeon, Iván Figueroa-Otero, MD Releases his fourth book in the “School of Life” series this month. Reflections in My Magical Mirror (Spirituality 104) encourages readers to remember that every difficult experience is a lesson of LOVE.
The fourth book is an extraordinary guide that every person can use at any stage of their spiritual journey. Dr. Figueroa-Otero provides 52 phrases and quotes to reveal hidden lessons for life. The must-read book supplies a meditative activity that will be life-changing, bringing love into your life with every page.
After retiring from being a pediatric surgeon, Iván Figueroa-Otero, MD began to explore less invasive options for health care, eventually becoming certified as a medical acupuncturist and beginning a practice that emphasized preventative care in his home in Puerto Rico. In this book, Dr. Figueroa-Otero offers a selection of the wisest quotes from his School of Life trilogy, with loving messages about different aspects of our existence. If we practice them, they could help us find the emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being we all aspire to. Each quote is explained and has exercises to integrate the message into our daily living.

Dr. Figueroa-Otero sat down with us to discuss why Reflections in My Magical Mirror is an important book, especially in our world today.
What is your book about & who would benefit most from it?
It is a collection of 52 phrases selected from my book’s initial trilogy, which reviews the lessons life has taught us as reflections in the mirror of our minds. It serves as a transition from the first trilogy to the second one by discussing my message in each phrase individually.
As a physician who works in the concrete world of science, how do you relate to personal development and spirituality?
As in all my books, the recurrent message of blending mind-body and medicine can only be accomplished by integrating the inclusive interpretation that exists between science and spirituality. The apparent duality that originates from spirituality- science, time-timelessness and matter and antimatter are harmoniously explained within the realm of science by visualizing all apparently opposing dualities as a cosmic dance where each partner participates in rhythmic unity.
What is the magical mirror & Does everyone have one? How can we harness it?
The magical mirror symbolizes our mind and the enormous potential for creativeness it holds. Our minds are also reflections of the primordial magical mirror of our creative intelligence, to which we traditionally refer as God. Every being has its own magical mirror, but its creative potential may be limited by the purity of its reflection with emotional experiences that tend to blur its clarity as we travel our life journey.
Is there a life-changing situation that happened to you that led you to become a Chinese medicine healer and acupuncturist after retiring from being a surgeon?
I don’t think there was a specific life-changing experience, but more like the need to find fulfillment and personal satisfaction that would lead me to find my life purpose at this stage of my life. Perhaps the event that precipitated my professional shift was the impacting influence my Lama and practice of Tibetan Buddhism had on my views about spirituality and science. The skill learned to create a rhythmic dance out of a tug of war of the previously mentioned philosophies gave birth to the school of life and the trilogy of books that arose from it. Which taught me how could I blend them harmoniously to guide myself and others to find health and happiness in our lives.
How do you expect readers to read your book? From cover to cover, or to skip around?
Since the 52 phrases are selections of the message of all my books and are their meaning is explained extensively for each one, the readers may randomly pick them and read them as they prefer. The reader will be directed by the phrase’s resonance to the specific explanation given by me of each one. It’s my hope that these quotes from my books will stimulate readers to read my whole trilogy.
What do you think is the most important lesson in the book?
That, in the magical mirror of our minds, we all have the creative energy to find meaning and wisdom to transform our experiences of suffering into love lessons that nurture our lives. In this school of life, all lessons can only be learned by correcting our mistakes. In this school wisdom, is only the accumulated experiences of our blunders. Striving for perfection can only lead to frustrations unless the goals are only there to seek to improve our potential. This phrase explains this, “If we only play to win, someone always ends up losing.”
Tell us about some of your patients’ transformations that you’ve witnessed after they read your books?
In general, my books strive by testimonials of my life, to give empathy to others to learn to forgive themselves for the mistakes they had made when they did not know what the consequences of their actions would lead to. This usually occurs in our youth, where we are like daredevils created by our ignorance and innocence.
What are you writing about next?
My next literary adventure is using a new trilogy of books to prepare readers to tailor their knowledge to pass their final exams in the school of life. These are:
Spirituality 201, Discovering the Inner Healer: A Self Healing Manual for Therapists, focuses on how all therapists, with their various styles, can be more effective with their techniques without deviating from their current field of practice. This book guides the therapist to understand that the proper blending of the healer’s intention and the patient’s facilitation is the key to achieve the healing results desired by both.
Spirituality 202: Healing the Cancer in our Genes: The Epigenetic Reprogramming of our Corrupted DNA Code. This book attempts to explain how the epigenetic influences (toxic, emotional, and nutritional lifestyles) accumulated in our genetic pool will end up creating harmful mutations that can precipitate cancer and other diseases in our present generations. The book quotes the most recent scientific literature to prove its hypothesis. It also discusses how all these negative mutational tendencies can be eradicated with corrective epigenetic lifestyle changes.
Spirituality 203, The Universe in its Great Perfection: Observing Life As It Is and Not As We Would Like to See It is the final book of the trilogy. Here, we see a more in-depth search centered on the mind and the origination of consciousness and how they co-create the universe as a magical illusion. It resembles a magician’s arsenal of tricks, where the illusionist should not confuse his act with the reality of his life. Our mind is the magician, the consciousness, is the ledger of skills where he keeps all the techniques that ensure the success of his magical illusion. The public represents the minds of other beings who, if they do not realize that what they observe are only magical illusions, may believe them to be genuine.
To purchase the book, go to Amazon.