Health advocate Ron Irwin announces first ever “Independence From Obesity and Illness Hike” on July 4, 2017

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BURBANK, CA June 12th, 2017 Ron Irwin will lead a hike from his home in Burbank, California to the Third Street Promenade in the City of Santa Monica, California, a distance of approximately 29 miles on the selected route.

BACKGROUND  On December 18th 2012 Ron Irwin stopped breathing and his heart stopped pumping.  He fell at or near death on his face alone in his home.  Miraculously Burbank EMT’s resuscitated him and transported him to the nearest hospital.  A few days later while in a coma and surrounded by his family an attending physician said to his family: “IF he survives you will need to put him into a home.  He will never walk again.”  After 26 days in the hospital Irwin was taken home and he began his full and complete recovery from Diabetes, Congestive heart Failure (CHF) and Cancer.  Describing his life’s journey and his full recovery he wrote the book “Live, Die, Live Again” published in 2014.  On his 70th birthday April 30th 2015 he led his first Hollywood Health Hike from Burbank to Hollywood on a route measuring 14 miles.  He repeated that process again in 2016 and again this year 2017.  His experience has motivated Ron to not only achieve and maintain good health for himself including a much needed weight reduction of over 140 pounds, but he is now driven to wage unrelenting war on obesity and laziness.  So far from January 1, 2017 through and including May 31, 2017 Ron Has walked 2072.14 miles or the equal of 79 marathons in five months.  Now it is time to expand.

At 7:30 A.M. on July 4th 2017 72 year young Ron Irwin shall leave from his home on Scott Road in Burbank, California and walk on a designated route of approximately 29 miles to the City of Santa Monica, California.  He will take one meal break in Hollywood somewhere near Hollywood and Highland and then proceed on to his ultimate destination at or near the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica.  He anticipates arriving at his final destination at approximately 4:30 p.m.  This is but one more example of Ron Irwin’s philosophy of leading by example and not mere rhetoric.  Anyone interested in joining in Ron’s walk and/or media may obtain further details including the exact route and final destination and enroute meal stop by sending an email to: [email protected].

At some later date Ron Irwin is also planning a multi-day hike to San Diego and is looking into the feasibility of hiking to New York City.