How People Are Overcoming the Global Challenges of 2020

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There has been a lot of doom-mongering going on in 2020. Not only has the climate crisis become increasingly concerning, but the coronavirus pandemic has also thrown countries across the world into jeopardy. With everything that is happening at the moment, it’s very difficult not to become consumed with despair. However, all is not lost. There have actually been a lot of positive revelations this year, as mankind has successfully created some brilliant solutions to the problems we currently face. And so, to give our readers a much-needed boost of positivity, here are some ways that people are overcoming the global challenges of 2020.

Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

Coronavirus Pandemic

You can’t get through a single day without hearing someone talk about the coronavirus pandemic. Fortunately, with COVID-19 being such a topical issue at the moment, this has driven people to be proactive about overcoming it. As such, many great solutions to this problem have been created. For starters, we have the coronavirus vaccine, which should soon begin rolling out to the public. Businesses everywhere have also learned how to adapt to the pandemic, introducing effective measures and cleaning policies, which have allowed people to somewhat return to normal. Though there is still quite a long way to go with COVID-19, nobody can deny that positive steps have been taken.

Poverty Blindness

Poverty blindness has been a massive issue for several decades now. Though cures have been successfully developed for eye-related ailments like corneal diseases and cataracts, these medical treatments are only available in western society for the most part. As a result, less affluent countries across the world suffer from ‘poverty blindness’, simply because they can’t afford or access the treatments. However, philanthropists have started to intervene and help impoverished communities. For example, the Tej Kohli Foundation, headed by the Chairman and CEO Tej Kohli, has pledged to cure corneal blindness worldwide. The foundation is currently pouring millions into developing communities in Delhi, India, hoping to treat the cause of poverty blindness in the area.

Climate Change

The issue of climate change has been bubbling in the background for several decades now. In 2019, it finally reared its ugly head, as scientists announced that we have officially entered a climate crisis, with there only being a decade left to reverse global warming. Naturally, this announcement was very upsetting to a lot of people. Once again, this has pushed humanity to do better than before. For instance, several countries are now committing themselves to lower their CO2 emissions by a significant number. There has also been a surge of development in renewable energy, plus innovations in eco-friendly alternatives to plastic. Thanks to the fight against climate change, some of the ozone layer holes are beginning to shrink in size. This doesn’t mean people are starting to slack off, though. Instead, humankind has become more determined than ever before to reverse climate change.

These are some of the main global challenges that people have started to overcome. Though things have been tough, we have some positive momentum going now.