Just Another Day
January 20th came and went and for the most part was just another Monday for me. My trash was picked up like clockwork. I had two doctors’ appointments, my house cleaner came over, and Bug made sure I walked him twice. Then there are my new neighbors from Hell to deal with as patiently as possible. They do not seem too concerned that their mastiff may get a taste of my bear repellent. It was a normal day that almost made me forget about the insult that unfolded.
Diaper Don was sworn into office after winning our presidential election last fall. I’m sure mostly white Americans filled with hate loved seeing him sworn in on a day that is set aside to observe the life of Martin Luther King Jr. They probably took glee seeing him sworn into office inside the same capitol rotunda his minions stormed four years earlier. They also probably purchased some of the crypto currency that earned their guy $60 billion dollars in just three days.
Actually, I was surprised he made it to the inauguration. As I said before, I really believed our CIA would knock him off and gamble with his little bearded dragon Vance for a while. I was not surprised he pardoned his clowns who stormed the capitol four years earlier. I’m not surprised he couldn’t wait to financially capitalize off his election or his stacking his administration with billionaires. I doubt there is much of anything Jaba the Trump will do in office that will surprise me or how much the idiots who support him will get off on him doing it.
Dickless Donny might be president, but he is not my president. I imagine he is not a president for a lot of folks, and I’m willing to bet those who do not see him as such do so because, like me, they have at least a basic understanding and appreciation of our history and system of government. Anyone who does would see through the bullshit of his politics. But then again, most Americans simply can’t be bothered. They are easily misled or simply fools who believe everything they see and read on social media. They don’t remember what they posted yesterday let alone what a farce Trump was in ancient times when he was first president.

( https://youtu.be/-VfYjPzj1Xw?si=ZoZy1Ddx7FjLakGF )
There are Americans who believe in our Constitution and there are those who simply do not give a shit. Like my new neighbors who after ten days think they own the neighborhood while they rent, the ignorant think they have won the war when in fact they have simply won a battle. The coming years will determine whether citizens will allow this country to be run into the ground by a house filled with rats or if they will get off their lazy asses and do what is necessary to make the next four years nothing more than a boil on the buttocks of our history.
Sadly, it will not surprise me if our future is decided by who our celebrities and athletes support since they seem to be the only people younger generations turn to for guidance. They are a far cry from the likes of MLK, RFK, JFK, or the countless people who defended freedom from empire builders like Hitler. But those were the days we emphasized learning about the past and the dangers of repeating our mistakes. Today, more Black Americans admire rappers who use the very word MLK fought to eliminate. Whites admire very wealthy men who hoard our wealth rather than work toward solving our social ills. We have devolved into a nation where citizens do not care what crimes people have committed and who go to great lengths to emulate their sick heroes. Everyone is too busy pointing fingers and too defensive to hold themselves accountable.
Don’t get me wrong, this is more than the fault of young people. Afterall, they only know what we adults have allowed them to know. We have emphasized comfort over challenges to the point where many adults complain they can’t afford or keep up with all the gadgets their kids demand for their sick form of pleasure.
Yesterday, three kids next door at my new neighbor’s home were complaining to me. I asked them what was the matter and each said they were being made to play outside on a sunny day instead of playing indoors on their individual tablets. For a moment, I thought there was hope for my new neighbors being better than their first impression. Then a woman walked over and introduced herself as a family friend who was sitting for the kids. My bubble burst knowing the kids were not complaining about the two asshats they have for parents.
I know I have to wait out my neighbors and that there is a strong likelihood they do not last more than their one year lease. Unfortunately, I must also wait four years for Trump, the president of Turdistan, and his lease to expire. Maybe there will be a wakeup call and we run it back with a new president from a political party less inclined to conquer the world and more inclined to conquer our many social ills. Who knows? Maybe by then I will have moved to the Gulf of America or the United States of Greenland. Stay tuned.

Jim is a life long resident of California and retired school teacher with 30 years in public education. Jim earned his BA in History from CSU Chico in 1981 and his MA in Education from Azusa Pacific University in 1994. He is also the author of Teaching The Teacher: Lessons Learned From Teaching. Jim considers himself an equal opportunity pain in the ass to any political party, group, or individual who looks to profit off of hypocrisy. When he is not pointing out the conflicting words and actions of our leaders, the NFL commissioner, or humans in general, he can be found riding his bike for hours on end while pondering his next article. Jim recently moved to Camarillo, CA after being convinced to join the witness protection program.