Melatonin For Dogs: What It Is And Why It Is Used

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Do you often get the feeling that your dog never, ever sleeps? Whenever you open your eyes, your canine’s eyes are already open. You can watch it lie around for hours, occasionally opening its little eyes just to show you that it isn’t really asleep. Sure, you might think this means that the animal is being a good guard pet, staying constantly alert.

What if it’s something else, though? What if it cannot sleep just because it CANNOT sleep? Would that make you worried or anxious? Have you ever thought that your pet might actually be worried or anxious and that their anxiety is the cause of restless nights and days? What if there was a way to help the poor animal?

If you don’t know what kind of help I am talking about, you should visit this website and find out. What you will learn is that there is a supplement known for helping your canine get some great sleep. What’s more, it comes with various other health benefits as well. I’m talking about Melatonin and if you still aren’t familiar with it, it’s about time you learned a few useful things.

What Is Melatonin?

This is a naturally occurring hormone in the body, produced by the pineal gland and in charge of regulating the sleep cycle as well as many other functions in the body of a mammal. I suppose you do know that your dog is a mammal. It would be really weird to hear that you don’t. Let us not get off-topic, though.

Canine bodies sometimes don’t produce enough of this hormone, which is when supplements come into play. People give Melatonin as a hormonal supplement to their dogs in order to deal with their restlessness, hyperactivity, anxiety and similar issues. As opposed to certain drugs that might be used for the same purposes, this supplement has shown to have next to no harmful side effects.

Just to be on the safe side, though, you should consult a veterinarian before you resort to giving this supplement to your canine. Even though it is considered perfectly safe, it doesn’t hurt to get a second opinion about. Make sure that you are getting those opinions from trusted sources, so that you can be sure you are doing the absolutely best you can do for your little barking companion.

Here are some expert opinions to help you understand this product:

When any kinds of supplements are in question, you are bound to be concerned about safety. After you get properly informed about Melatonin, you’ll see that there is not much reason for concern. This supplement has shown to be perfectly safe and rather helpful in treating and managing certain conditions. It’s time to see what it is used for exactly.

What Is It Used For?

Separation anxiety is a disorder that affects up to 40% of all canines in the world. Apart from being rather stressful for a dog, this condition can lead to the development of behavioral issues, disobedience and even aggression. In other words, if your dog suffers from an anxiety disorder, it affects both the pet and you.

Melatonin has proved to be successful in treating this disorder. Some owners claim to have seen a vast improvement in the behavior of their anxious dogs after starting to give them this supplement. Their pets have become much calmer and much happier for that matter, because their anxiety symptoms have been successfully relieved.

Has it ever occurred to you that your canine might be suffering from insomnia? The symptoms of sleep disorders in dogs might be difficult to notice, but that doesn’t mean that they are non-existent. If you have reason to believe that your pup is exhibiting signs of any sleep disorder, you should try giving it Melatonin. The primary function of this supplement is to improve the animal’s quality of sleep.

Last, but not least, this supplement is widely used to treat seasonal alopecia in canines. You might notice your dog losing patches of hair on their bodies for no apparent reason. Don’t panic when this happens. It’s rather common among these animals. Instead of panicking, try adding Melatonin to its diet and watch how those bold patches become hairy again.