Simple Hacks to Improve Your Health this Year

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We’ve all gone through those well-meaning moments when we decide to make sweeping changes in our lifestyle: Lose weight, join a fitness program, eat healthier, and quit smoking, among others. While it is important to strive to achieve such health goals, the path to improved health is not always as easy as many of us would wish to believe. Making those huge leaps may involve overhauling a significant part of your lifestyle. But the best way to approach the changes that you envision is to make a series of smaller steps that will help to make your overall quality of life and health better. Here are some simple tips to help you get started this 2019.


One of the essential elements of leading a healthy life is good nutrition. You can significantly boost your health by sticking to a balanced diet. It is important to include food items that are rich in minerals and vitamins, like vegetables, fruits, dairy, protein, nuts, and whole grains. Some of the types of foods you need to include in your regular diet include:

  • Canned Wild Salmon- Salmon is rich in protein and not only ensures your energy supplies are high but also makes you feel fuller for longer periods. Additionally, salmon is rich in healthy fats, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, which help to keep inflammation at bay, gives your skin a good natural glow, and keeps your heart healthy.
  • Aloe Juice– Edible Aloe Vera is a rich source of antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E. It also contains vitamins B12, choline, folic acid, zinc, magnesium, and calcium. Besides, drinking Aloe Vera juice will supply your body with 20 of the 22 amino acids that your body requires, and the salicylic acid it contains helps to tackle inflammation.
  • Nuts- Most types of nuts are a good source of vitamins, protein, various minerals, and healthy oils. They are rich in minerals that your thyroid gland requires and boost your immune system. They also contain antioxidants that help to prevent damage to the cells and nerves as a result of free radicals from UV rays and cigarette smoke.

Start Exercising

One of the surest ways to ensure you not only stay healthy but also keep fit is by exercising regularly. Exercising on a regular basis is also a good way to lose weight if losing weight is one of your health goals this year. Try to look for a local gym with a qualified professional who can draft for you a good workout regimen. Alternatively, you can make a point of taking a jog three or four times every week.

Avoid Negative Thoughts

Scientific research has found that negative thoughts tend to trigger anxiety and release stress hormones into the body. Whenever a negative thought comes into your mind, take a piece of paper and write it down, and then forget about it at the moment. You can later review the negative thought and try to establish where it might be coming from and come up with a plan to address the negative thinking. research indicates that people who take drugs are more like to entertain negative thoughts. You can learn how to overcome negative thoughts and substance abuse from this source.

In summary, it is never too late or too early to start making healthy changes in your lifestyle. When you are young, such changes can make a strong base for a lifetime of a healthy lifestyle. When you are older, adopting healthy habits can help to control any medical conditions you have at the moment and reduce your risk of acquiring other diseases in the future.