Struggling With Addiction? Try the Hollywood Hills Recovery Center

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Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

According to a  Surgeon General’s report, only 10% of the 21 million Americans struggling with addiction receive treatment. The trend could be a result of the addicts’ denial. Most addicts don’t think their condition is serious enough to justify treatment. Joining a drug treatment center is the first step towards beating addiction. By separating you from drug triggers, treatment programs detoxify your system and prevent relapses. Rehab centers also allow you to understand your addiction. Assuming your addiction comes from emotional pain, treatment programs teach you how to confront the issue instead of using drugs as an escape. However, rehabilitation facilities aren’t equal. Some centers prioritize profit over patient welfare. Here’s why you should consider the Hollywood Hills Recovery center out of Los Angeles, California.

Individualized Treatment

From substances being used to dependency levels, addictions vary from one person to another. As such, the Hollywood Hills Recovery Center takes time to understand your story and provide a personalized treatment plan. Instead of temporary Band-Aids, the center offers lasting solutions to promote self-motivated recovery. Getting sober is more than eliminating physical dependence; you should also address the substance’s behavioral effects.

Although you can quit drugs on your own, you need an expert to treat the substance’s psychological symptoms. Treatment involves three steps. For starters, patients undergo a detox program involving medication-assisted treatment and biopsychosocial assessments. The next step is a residential intensive treatment that includes specialty groups, music, massage, and art therapy. Your therapist also looks into your mental health and related issues like co-dependency and sex addiction.

Serene Environment

Studies suggest that certain environmental triggers increase the possibility of relapse. As such, patients should avoid stressors by reconnecting with nature and exploring the possibility of a drug-free life. Centrally situated in Hollywood, HHR’s tranquil atmosphere comes in handy to accelerate recovery. The center is also a few minutes away from attractions like the Sunset Strip. The administration also strives to make the center as homely as possible. For instance, you can work out at the outdoor gym with the help of a personal trainer.

Moreover, you could unwind in the game room playing pool, ping pong, and arcade games. Sightseeing, spa dates, beach days; you name it, you can enjoy southern California’s sights through the center’s regular sober outings. You could also choose the partial hospitalization program if you want to stay outside the facility. All you have to do is visit the rehabilitation center several times a week. The visit’s duration varies with each patient and may last 4-8 hours.

Aftercare Programs

Detox and rehabilitation aren’t enough to break the addiction cycle. A drug-free life is a journey, not a destination. HHR stays in touch with patients post-treatment through its aftercare program. First off, it has regular alumni meetings to evaluate patient progress and offer coping mechanisms. Besides individual counseling, patients receive peer support from other recovering addicts. They can discuss how to deal with drug cravings and the effectiveness of their coping strategies. You also learn how to mend relationships broken by your addiction. Similarly, HHR offers scholarship opportunities to its graduates so they can get an education and transform their lives. This is in addition to job recommendations.

Seek Treatment Right Away

Most addicts don’t think their condition is serious enough to justify treatment. The situation’s magnitude only dawns on them when they overdose, sink into depression, or get suicidal. But it’s never too late to beat substance use disorders. All you need to do is accept your addiction, find the right rehabilitation center, and work towards recovery. HHR understands the magnitude of addiction since all its founders have a substance use history. The founders have since conquered their addiction and created a solid program to help others out of the rut. Are you struggling with an addiction? Contact us to learn more today