USC splits the uprights in the final 20 second to beat Stanford
Este sabado USC venció al noveno del BCS Stanford, 20-17, con la ayuda de un field goal de Andre Heidari con 20 segundos del partido. Stanford está ahora fuera de la carrera por completo.
“Es la patada regular. Es el mismo pateo de todo el tiempo “, dijo Heidari sobre el gol de la victoria.” Tres pasos atrás, dos pasos más, alinearlo, alcanzar un objetivo más o menos. Hice lo que tenía que hacer. Estoy agradecido a mi equipo que me puso en esa posición “.
El Frente defensivo de USC fue mejor equipado para manejar el ataque terrestre de Stanford. USC detuvo a los cardenales a un tres y fuera en el inicio de la serie. Dos de esas jugadas fueron carreras que pasaron de uno y tres metros, respectivamente.
Aunque las estadísticas no lo demuestren, la defensa de USC ejecutó bien contra el ataque terrestre de Stanford. Los Trojans permitieron un total de 211 yardas por tierra y 6 yardas de acarreo.
Stanford respondió con una puntuación de 35 yardas de Tyler Gaffney cuando el 6’1, 221 libras de peso, no estaba envuelto en una corta carrera lo que le permitió rebotar fuera por un touchdown largo.
Cuatro minutos más tarde, Javorius “Buck” Allen se hundió en una yarda de él mismo, poniendo a los Trojans de nuevo en la delantera 12-7. Un pase ridículo de Marqise Lee dio a USC una conversión de dos puntos con éxito 14-7.
USC se mantuvo a un margen de un touchdown en el descanso, cuando Heidari y Stanford Conrad Ukropina intercambiaron field goals, cambiando el tablero a 17-10. Tyler Gaffney empató el juego de nuevo, cuando él anotó su segundo touchdown de la noche de 18 yardas con 8:22 en el tercero.
Ninguno de los equipos anotaron puntos por un tiempo, a pesar que Stanford tuvo muchas posibilidades – el cardenal tuvo un intento de gol de 30 yardas en el campo por Ukropina que fue bloqueado en el tercer trimestre, y una intercepción de Kevin Hogan que terminó en la zona roja del cuarto.
Hogan cometió un segundo error con 3:02 minutos para ir en el cuarto trimestre – el 6’4 decidió lanzar el balón fuera de los límites, mientras fue tackled y USC se inclinó y interceptó.
Ese ultimo juego dio la posesión a los Trojans que no perderíeron la oportunidad. USC procedió y entró en el territorio de Stanford y después, gracias a una segunda conversion en la cuarta por Marqise Lee y una movida de 11 yardas por Nelson Agholor pusieron su first down en el Stanford 21.
A pesar de dos carreras consecutivas y yardas perdidas, Stanford forzó a Heidari a patear un field goal de 47 yardas. El junior de Bakersfield, California pateó con perfección, dando a USC una ventaja de 20-17 con: 20 segundos del final del partido .

(Photo a screen shot from Youtube)
This past Saturday USC beat #9 (BCS) Stanford, 20-17, with the help of Andre Heidari’s field goal with 20 seconds left in the game Stanford is now out of the race for the Bowl Championship Series BCS) title game altogether.
After the game, Heidari said, “It’s just to kick regularly. Kick is the same all the time. Three steps back, two steps, align, reaching a goal or so. Did what I had to do. I am grateful to my team that put me in that position.”
The USC defensive front was better prepared to handle Stanford’s rushing attack. The Trojans held the Cardinal to a three and out in Stanford’s final series.
Although the statistics do not show it, the USC defense executed well against Stanford’s rushing attack. The Trojans allowed a total of 210 yards rushing averaging six yards per run.
The Trojans scored first on a Cody Kessler pass to Somo Vainuku at the one-yard line, but Stanford responded with a 35-yard TD run by the six-foot-one, 221 pound Tyler Gaffney, avoiding tackles that would have kept him to a short carry. He was able to bounce outside for a long touchdown run.
Four minutes later , Javorius “Buck” Allen ran in a yard of himself, putting the Trojans back in front 12-7 . A great pass to Marqise Lee gave USC a successful two-point conversion successful 14-7.
- Andre Heidari missed the Extra Point after USC’s first touchdown.
USC remained touchdown ahead at halftime, when Stanford’s Conrad Ukropina exchanged field goals with USC’s Heidari, changing the scoreboard to 17-10 .
Tyler Gaffney tied the game again, when he scored his second touchdown of the night from 18 yards with 8:22 in the third.
Neither team scored points for a while, although Stanford had many chances — the Cardinal had a field goal attempt of 30 yards by Ukropina that was blocked in the third quarter and an interception by Kevin Hogan that ended in the red zone in the fourth.
Hogan made a second mistake with 3:02 minutes to go in the fourth quarter – the six-foot-four quarterback decided to throw the ball out of bounds while being tackled and Su’a Cravens intercepted for USC at their 44-yard line.
That gave the Trojans their final possession of the game and a chance to break a 17-17 tie. USC proceeded and entered the Stanford territory and later, thanks to another third-down conversion in the fourth to Marqise Lee and a run of 11 yards by Nelson Agholor, USC had a first down at the Stanford 21.
Due to two consecutive runs that lost yards, Heidari was forced to kick a field goal of 47 yards . The junior from Bakersfield, California kicked it perfectly, giving USC 20-17 win with 20 seconds left in the game.

Claudia is of Peruvian and Italian descent, having been born in a small town, in the North of Peru, South America. She was raised by her grandmother from an early age, living in poverty until Claudia’s mother brought her to America. She landed in Miami, FL and started her new life, playing high school basketball and eventually becoming a United States citizen. Claudia completed her education at Florida International University with a BA in Broadcast Journalism and became a model to supplement her income. Since graduating from FIU Claudia has worked with many of the Spanish Language broadcasting companies, including Telemundo, Univision and most recently Spanish Language channels on SiriusXM satellite radio and PasTV Deportes in Venezuela.She encourages you to follow her on Twitter and Facebook. Her content appears here under a shared content agreement with her Spanish television clients.