The ways in which virtual reality will change the world
Virtual reality is one of the most exciting techs in development right now. It could be set to change the way we game and the way we consume many other forms of media. But virtual reality could be so much more than that.
In this short guide, we look at the industries and the lives that could be drastically improved thanks to the introduction of advanced virtual reality. These are exciting times to be alive and if experts are right then the next few years will be even better.
Imagine watching a movie where you can see things from the perspective of the protagonist, a movie where you can view the scenes from all angles and sit in the middle of the action. It’s like 3D, only it’s not a useless fad that gives you migraines.
If virtual reality becomes as powerful as has been predicted then we’ll be in for some incredibly immersive movies and we could be there in as little as 10 years.
The fact that this industry has billions of dollars pumped into it every year means there is no shortage of incentive. Where there is money there are goals and there are big changes, which is why this will likely be one of the first industries to see major improvements from virtual reality.
Seeing the World
Google Streetview has made it easy for us to see the world from our desktops and devices, but it’s not quite the same as being there. With virtual reality, you can take one giant step closer and there is no limit to what you can see because the worlds are simulated.
This means that as well as taking in all the real beauty of the Pyramids in Egypt you can enjoy spaceships on Mars, barbarian armies in the middle ages, and so much more. In fact, historic settings are a great use for this as it gives history teachers a chance to immerse their subjects in the time period they are teaching them about, with interactive interesting facts that go far beyond what a textbook can achieve.
Surgery and Medicine
There is no end to the medical benefits of virtual reality, from teaching surgeons how to practice crucial procedures to taking them through the circulatory system and showing them the human body close-up. Imagine a completely interactive setup that allows you to dissect, medicate, test and study without risking any harm to an actual human.
Simulated Living
You can literally step into someone else’s shoes if virtual reality is advanced enough. You can be anything as basic and obscure as a product liability lawyer serving Chicago, to a superhero saving Metropolis. But if you’re disabled or seriously ill, it’s more than a game, it’s an escape, a way of allowing you to do the things that you otherwise couldn’t.
When you return this ability to those who lost it you drastically improve their mental and physical health and there are not enough positive things that can be said about that.