White Riot: A conservative opinion on Ferguson
It seems to me that racism cuts both ways and that we – as black or white human beings – can stereotype each other along the lines of social class and skin color. Of course, and here lies the controversy, if we define racists as having the power and influence to subjugate – then we can or do turn ourselves into victims. I once overheard a conversation where a black man said to a white man that racist individuals “use their power to undercut the potential of their victims.” Such an opinion validates a self-victimizing worldview that leads to white people using phrases like “race riot.” Even though, no positive or possible justification for the phrase “race riot” could ever be said to exist or have existed.
The previous notion that the victim of racism has become a victim by virtue of history – and would, will or must remain a victim by virtue of history – renders any racist thought justifiable for the victim to then become violent. Then, with sudden force, people will refer to themselves as “alienated” or “disenfranchised” – such that they turn to violence as if they were victims of colonial dominance. I mention “colonial dominance” to reference the ideas of Franz Fanon – the Algerian psychiatrist who wrote a fascinating book called “The Wretched of the Earth.” He contended that racist legislation – in the moment or from the past – leaves the disenfranchised with no other option except for violence.
In Los Angeles – as of Rodney King — the National Guard was called in by then President George H.W. Bush. They patrolled the city in order to prevent further police abuses — police abuses that, more often than not, exist because corrupt cops can claim individual power through their labor unions to not be fired by a top cop. Here, in Chicago, Anthony Abbate — a Chicago Police Officer — once pummeled a female bartender. He was arrested and charged and a police investigation was started. Yes, for some reason, police departments are allowed to investigate themselves. Was Abbate on paid leave while the investigation was pending?
Years later his victim won $850,000 dollars in a lawsuit and Abbate was fired — only after he was convicted in the criminal case. The sickening formality here is that anybody convicted of a crime receives immediate dismissal from the Chicago Police Department. Of course, as alluded to earlier in this editorial, they do get that paid vacation of sorts.
Labor Unions are the ultimate in racism when it comes to police abuse. Labor unions, in the Abbate case, are the ultimate in misogyny and police abuse. Keep in mind that the words — “police abuse” — exist as a matter of law in terms of local or federal prosecution. Far too many politicians need the money of labor unions to get elected. Therefore, labor unions like the Fraternal Order of Police and the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association can protect their officers with and through racism and misogyny.
Republicans and Democrats alike fear labor unions. These conservative and liberal fears also damage the economy – rendering states liable for impossible pensions that have now have become impossible debts. However, you do not hear much of that coming from either side of the news media: Fox News with its conservatism or CNN and MSNBC with their liberalism. Maybe we do need more pundits?
As for Ferguson, MO — and as for Anthony Abbate and Rodney King — we need to discuss the root of the problem through proper and detailed journalism: the root of the problem being that people feel “disenfranchised” or “alienated” because they have not been educated enough concerning their rights. In America, we know of the lawsuit — and authority tends to oppress all other information. There’s no excuse for violence. All because, racism — being violence itself — cuts both ways.

In working for the Chicago Sun-Times, Peter learned the basics of journalism. The prose must be clear and the facts precise. He has worked in retail, customer service and sales as well, all of which made Peter want to return to writing — as he developed many opinions on issues ranging from LGBT equality to America’s economy. Peter’s journalism – as in what he believes journalism must and should be — will seek to clarify society through facts. Opinion pieces being something different altogether. From Pittsburgh, PA — and a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh — Peter knows how to speak his mind in clear and concise prose.