Cupid: A Valentine’s Day love story
It’s almost Valentine’s Day, the day celebrated for love and desire. A day for lovers to show their affection with gifts and thoughtful cards. Greek mythology had many gods and even one little chubby guy armed with a bow and arrow. This is the story of the life of Cupid, the god of love and his very own love story.
Once upon a time long, long ago and very late in the year, Zeus God of the sky was so tired and Boreas, God of the north wind kept blowing his polar breath through the wall’s cracks and crevices causing Zeus to shiver violently in his bed. Finally Zeus could not take it any longer and arose to throw his thunderbolts down in anger. One after another. Venus the love goddess had long free flowing blonde hair and violet colored eyes that any man would easily fall for. Her hands were tiny and her touch gentle. Her small stature had a tendency to maintain extra weight, oh, but she was beautiful to see!

associated with Valentine’s Day
On this windy night she had wrapped herself up to ward off the cold and was running frantically to return home to warm herself by the fire, ducking with each clap of Zeus’ anger when she tripped over a rock and fell onto the hard ground. Warm fingers wrapped around her arm to gently pull her back to her feet when she looked into the eyes of a strong warrior with wide shoulders. Mars the War God. She lowered her long lashes to hide her immediate attraction and her obvious desire. His fingertip lifted her chin back up until their eyes met once again.
Venus and Mars’ attraction was so fierce they fell in love and the passion between them grew so intense it wasn’t long before there was no longer any control of their lips and hands. Love making between two gods could be powerful causing the very earth to shudder and shake with the force of the pleasure in unison with the orgasm. Flowers bloomed and rainbows shimmered as Mother Nature celebrated this union. This love of two gods created Cupid, the god of erotic love, of desire, attraction and affection. He had a dual nature of heavenly and earthly love. As he grew from a chubby child and then to manhood his powers grew with his years and he became practiced and adept with a bow and arrow.
The combination of his mother being the goddess of love and his father being the god of war gave him extraordinary powers of love and war. He made two arrows, one with a sharp golden point and the other of lead. Cupid could cause great feelings of uncontrollable desire with the golden tip or aversion and the desire to flee with the lead tip.
Venus learned of a young woman named Psyche whose beauty would eventually surpass hers and sent her son to go see her secretly hoping that he would use his arrows to ensnare her into a relationship with someone where she could have many children and become a washed out housewife.
Cupid took one look at Psyche and fell in love. She was indeed a most beautiful woman with dark hair falling over her full breasts and down her back to whisper back and forth across her rear end. He wanted to kiss her abundant red lips but feared she would find fault with him.
Without her ever seeing him, he arranged for her to be brought to his home against his mother’s wishes. He visited her each night after she fell asleep to gently wake her with passion. His only desire was to see her beautiful face in orgasm. He pleased and satisfied her nightly with but one request that they stay in the dark. Psyche loved him dearly and wondered why she couldn’t look upon his face and body. Her hands and body knew him but not her eyes. She spoke to her sisters in despair and the sisters agreed he must be hideous.

That night after Cupid saw to her satisfaction, he fell asleep. Psyche slipped from the feather bed and brought a lamp high above the bed to look at Cupid. The light illuminated a glowing face more beautiful than handsome with dark long lashes on rosy cheeks. His beauty startled her and her hand shook allowing a drip or two of hot oil from the lamp to spill onto his chest. He woke up and ran from the room.
Lonely nights went by and Psyche was not awakened by her love. She begged Venus for information to no avail. She traveled the earth looking for Cupid. He was nowhere to be found so she returned to his mother’s home. Venus treated her badly and made her do her evil work.
One day Venus sent her to the underworld to acquire a potion of Proserpina’s allure to revitalize her aging beauty. Psyche was successful and on her return opened the box in hopes of it adding to her beauty. Like sleeping beauty, her lashes fluttered and she fell asleep.
When Cupid heard the worrisome news he hurried to her side. In his despair, he begged Zeus to help. Cupid was so devastated Zeus woke her and granted her immortality so the two could be together through eternity.
Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you are loved … and well!
Top photo: Cupid and Psyche (1639–40) by Anthony van Dyck (Wikipedia)

Terri Underwood has always written women’s fiction because she finds it so much fun. Love, sex and relationships all have their ups and downs but without the downs, there would be no ups. She likes to look for the good moments in life and she learned that from her huge loving family who get together often for some of the most hilarious times. Terri is a professional who enjoys hiking, fishing and even camping. She’s a California girl who lived in Arizona for six years before running back to California. She didn’t come away empty-handed though, she learned to look at the sky in Arizona. The billions and billions of stars against a deep black sky, the clouds, beautiful sunsets and thunderstorms, isn’t that what romance is all about?