Halloween without going broke
It’s costume time! I love Halloween so much.
It’s the one holiday where you can be whoever you want to be and no one can judge you. Well, they can judge you, but who cares, everybody looks nuts on October 31st. Last year Awesome and I were invited to a party and we went as Wayne and Garth from “Wayne’s World”. Of course, I was the only woman there dressed as a man … or dressed at all really. Most women seem to enjoy dressing up like a sexy something-or-other, but that’s really never been me.
Anyway, this year we aren’t doing costumes — though not for lack of ideas. We really just don’t have any plans on Halloween so I will probably have to live vicariously through others. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have ideas!
Walking Dead: This graphic-novel-turned-wildly-successful-television-show (above) is having such a moment right now. The fifth season just started with a huge episode. Whether you choose to portray a walker or a character from the show, what could be more fun than getting down and dirty with your costume?
Project Runway: Women can dress like Heidi Klum (just wear anything fashion-forward and say “You out” a lot), men as Tim Gunn (sprinkle baby powder in your hair, wear a crisp suit and continuously tell people to “Make it work!”).
Vikings: I wrote a blog not too long ago about a show by the same name that Awesome and I are addicted to. It’s relatively new but it seems to have made a big splash in a short amount of time. This is a great way for women to be sexy but still classy. Just google “Vikings TV show” and check out what pops up. I promise you won’t be sorry.
Decade costume: Sometimes you get invited to a party at the last minute. It’s usually easy to put together a decade costume in a short amount of time. Personally this year I’m feeling the 90s. Grab a baby backpack, plaid shirt, crocheted vest, jean shorts, Doc Martens and a Blossom hat and you are not only comfortable but stylish as well!
Day of the Dead: For some reason lately, I’ve been really into playing around with makeup. Doing a Day of the Dead costume would be the ultimate in playing with makeup. The best part is that the makeup is so elaborate, you can pair it with a totally black outfit, which you probably already have in your closet.
Shia LaBoeuf/Amanda Bynes: Where would we be without the Hollywood train wrecks of the world? Without some awesome Halloween costumes, that’s where. Whether you choose to wear a suit and a paper bag over your head that states “I AM NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE” or a trashy dress, long blonde hair and dermals, you’ll keep all the partygoers laughing – just like the real celebs do.

Emily Campbell is a perpetually single, 20-something girl-around-town who loves Shakespeare, old movies, Natty Boh, and of course, long walks on the beach. A sales manager by day and freelance writer by night, she was recently forced into a life of involuntary celibacy when her last relationship fizzled out over a text message. She’s tired of settling for second – or tenth – best, and she’s ready to find Mr. Right. Or, Mr. Nearly Right. No one’s perfect…which she has learned the hard (but hilarious) way.