Jackie Collins dies of breast cancer
The novelist known for her steamy stories of, gangsters, Hollywood and celebrity sin, has died today of breast cancer.
Jackie Collins had her first novel, The World is Full of Married Men published in 1968 and it became an best seller. It was called “filthy, nasty and disgusting” and banned in several countries which only gave it more popularity in the UK and USA.
She was born October 4, 1937, in Hampstead, London, England, the younger sister of actress Joan Collins. After a career as an actress and singer Collins turned her creative interest to writing stories and within ten years of his first novel Jackie Collins was one of the most read writers in the world.
By the 1980’s, when she created her most famous character, Lucky Santangelo, in her novel Chances, her books were being made into movies and television mini-series. The books were always sexually charged and drew criticism for their very sexual content. But that only served to advance their popularity.
Her best selling novel was the “scandalous exposé” Hollywood Wives, written after she had moved to Hollywood. Published in 1983, it as sold over 15 million copies and was made into a television mini-series.
She wrote several more books with the character of Lucky Santangelo, as well as the character Madison Castelli.
In all Jackie Collins has written 32 novels and a cookbook based on the character of Lucky Santangelo.
Collins kept her illness a secret to overrun but her closest family members. She died Saturday, September 19, 2015.
The family requests fans to make donations to the Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer organization.

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