Karen Bass delivers her End of the Year Report Back
On December 14 Rep. Karen Bass held her annual End of the Year Report Back at the DoubleTree Hotel in Culver City. Over 350 of her constituents attended to hear what their representative in the House of Representatives had to say about what has gone on in Washington during 2017. Needless to say, with Donald Trump as president it has been nothing less than a horror show.
With the Republicans in Congress now attacking the FBI and the Department of Justice — through Congressional allies of the president and Trump TV (Fox News) — and the president taking sides with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin over our own intelligence services — not to mention the end of net neutrality, the gutting of the EPA, the gutting of the ACA, the almost criminal disregard for the plight of American citizens in Puerto Rico and the American Virgin Islands (the list could go on) — most average Americans, especially those of us in California, a member of Congress would understand why many of us would be pessimistic about our immediate future.
Through her use of town halls throughout the year Rep. Bass has been able to reach thousands of her constituents in 2017, listening to their concerns and bringing their desires and needs to Washington to fight for them. Despite the many abominations we have endured due to President Trump Rep. Bass remains optimistic about the future. That should be enough to buoy the hopes of us, at least those who are in her district, the California 37th.
Ms. Bass has fought for legislation to address many issues, including immigration, health care, foster care, work force development and of course executive oversight, a most critical area of concern in this era.
If you were unable to attend you can view the entire Powerpoint presentation HERE or a presentation of the highlights HERE. The Year in Numbers can be viewed HERE. You can view photos from the event HERE.
Take some time to see and hear what one of the leading progressive voices in Washington is doing to make America truly greater than it is.
Photos of Ms. Bass and her constituents courtesy of the Rep. Bass Flickr page

Tim Forkes started as a writer on a small alternative newspaper in Milwaukee called the Crazy Shepherd. Writing about entertainment, he had the opportunity to speak with many people in show business, from the very famous to the people struggling to find an audience. In 1992 Tim moved to San Diego, CA and pursued other interests, but remained a freelance writer. Upon arrival in Southern California he was struck by how the elected government officials and business were so intertwined, far more so than he had witnessed in Wisconsin. His interest in entertainment began to wane and the business of politics took its place. He had always been interested in politics, his mother had been a Democratic Party official in Milwaukee, WI, so he sat down to dinner with many of Wisconsin’s greatest political names of the 20th Century: William Proxmire and Clem Zablocki chief among them. As a Marine Corps veteran, Tim has a great interest in veteran affairs, primarily as they relate to the men and women serving and their families. As far as Tim is concerned, the military-industrial complex has enough support. How the men and women who serve are treated is reprehensible, while in the military and especially once they become veterans. Tim would like to help change that.