Money Back Guarantee the book “Lose Live”
BURBANK, CA One of the world’s leading soldiers in the war on obesity Author and columnist Ron Irwin has today taken a step never before done by any author on any subject, he has offered a money back guarantee on his powerful book “Lose Live.” It is straight forward with no gimmicks, just 110 pages of transformative power. Anyone who buys his book “Lose Live” from at the full retail price of $12.98 and sends an email confirming the purchase within 15 days may at any time within 90 days of the purchase return the book and receive a full refund of the purchase price. [SEE: attached written Guarantee with all terms and conditions].
According to the Centers for Disease Control more than one third of our population is obese and it is causing wide spread damage and early death. Sadly we are inundated with never ending fad diets and junk pills that just don’t work. I know that the information contained in my book “Lose Live” is life changing; using that same information allowed me to lose 120 pounds and rid myself of Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Failure. It can work for you too – I guarantee it. Just buy it, read it, conform to a few simple requirements and if it doesn’t help you I will buy it back for the full retail price – period. said Ron Irwin.
Some reviews of the book:
“The most inspirational book I’ve ever read.” Eddie Godoy, Manager, Burbank Athletic Club
“Compelling wisdom on your health from a guy who has been around the block … from a former Marine who shoots straight on the real threat to your health.” Paul Bond, Film/TV/Stage Actor
“A striking book for anyone – fat, skinny, or in between. Ron cuts out the fat and gives us the bare, startling truth! You’re going to save lives.” Grandmaster Don Baird. American School of Martial Arts.
“What Ron shares in this “To the Point” book makes so much sense that it should be on everyone’s list of books to read NOW. We all have loved ones who have developed poor eating habits and are either sick and on pharmaceutical drugs presently, or will be on the in a matter of time. Lose Live would be a great gift for them.” Harvey Branman, Molecular Hydration Consultant
Now Ron Irwin has set the book business on its ear with this first and only 100% satisfaction or you money back guarantee.
I, Ronald R. Irwin, author of the book “Lose Live” absolutely guarantees to repurchase that book at its full retail price of $12.98 at from any buyer if and only if the buyer conforms to the following terms and conditions.
- The buyer must purchase the book “Lose Live” by Ron Irwin only from at its full retail price of $12.98.
- This guarantee applies solely to the original buyer. This guarantee is null and void in the event the buyer transfers the book to anyone else whether for money or for free.
- Within fifteen days from the date of purchase the buyer must notify Ronald R. Irwin of the buyers purchase. That notice must be sent by email to: [email protected] and must contain the buyer’s name and date of original purchase.
- This Guarantee is NOT TRANSFERABLE.
- This Guarantee is valid for a term of 90 consecutive days from the date of purchase and shall thereafter be null and void.
- This Guarantee is valid for one and only one copy of the book Lose Live per any one buyer regardless of however many copies the buyer may have purchased.
- This Guarantee is also limited solely to book purchases made at:
- If the buyer at any time within the term of this Guarantee chooses to claim a refund the buyer MUST send by regular mail to: Ron Irwin, 1317 N. San Fernando Blvd., Suite 206, Burbank, CA 91504 the book “Lose Live” along with a note containing the buyers name, physical mailing address, the date of original purchase and the reason or reasons for making the claim. The buyer must also include a written statement made under penalty of perjury that the buyer did not copy any or all of the book.
- Upon receipt of the book and claim and upon verification that all requirements as hereinabove set forth have been met the author Ron Irwin shall send a check payable to the buyer in the amount of TWELVE and 98/100 Dollars [$12.98].
Ronald R. Irwin, author of Lose Live