Observing Thanksgiving and Indigenous Peoples Day
As we celebrate this day the staff of the Los Angeles Post-Examiner would like to wish everyone Happy Thanksgiving and to remember the Indigenous People that were here long before Europeans invaded and laid waste to the continents that make up the Americas.
Try not to argue. Let those others say ridiculous things and then after dinner — lay into them with the vengeance of the Old Testament Yahweh.
For those chefs cooking for a big family gathering, ask for and accept help. Be thankful for the people who contribute to this meal, especially if they are bringing homemade pies. More pie is a good thing.
Being alone on this day is perfectly acceptable. If you want to be of service help provide a Thanksgiving meal to the less fortunate in society.
Enjoy today and don’t forget to be grateful. Most of us have a roof over our heads and will likely get fed today, whether it’s at a Thanksgiving feast or not.
Most descendants of the original people of this continent consider today a day of sadness, noted with the hashtag #indigenouspeoplsday Their land has been stolen and desecrated, and their culture was almost wiped out by the European invaders. Think about that as you sit down to eat that big holiday meal today.

Today — and every day — is a good reason to be grateful. As Vietnamese Buddhist priest Thich Nhat Hanh said, “When we live in the spirit of gratitude, there will be much happiness in our life. The one who is grateful is the one who has much happiness while the one who is ungrateful will not be able to have happiness.”

We are not the typical news website – nor do we wish to be. We will be offering more than news and blogs, but an opportunity for fiction writers, poets, comedians and musicians to showcase their talent and skills. Much like when the Beatles formed Apple Corps Ltd, they opened the door to all kinds of inspiring talent that never really got a shot. From that came the likes of James Taylor and others. We hope by providing a similar approach we can shine the light on some tremendous undiscovered talent and at the same time offer some familiar voices who live in Los Angeles and beyond.