Sandy Hook: We remember three years later
It was three years ago when America was shocked by the tragedy in Newtown, CT at Sandy Hook Elementary School. A gunman walked into the school and killed 26 people, 20 of them children.
Since then we have had a number of articles related to, or mentioning, that bloody massacre. The main focus: how do we end the carnage wrought by the gun violence in our nation? We’ve had some thoughts on the subject posted in the three years since then.

We are not the typical news website – nor do we wish to be. We will be offering more than news and blogs, but an opportunity for fiction writers, poets, comedians and musicians to showcase their talent and skills. Much like when the Beatles formed Apple Corps Ltd, they opened the door to all kinds of inspiring talent that never really got a shot. From that came the likes of James Taylor and others. We hope by providing a similar approach we can shine the light on some tremendous undiscovered talent and at the same time offer some familiar voices who live in Los Angeles and beyond.