Singer-Songwriter Harper Starling to be the featured guest on the Dr. Ron Show
HOLLYWOOD, CA — Harper Starling just debuted her hit “One Call Away” already poised for meteoric rise in the Billboard Charts will be the featured guest on The Dr. Ron Show on Wednesday, October 31st, 2018 from 11:00 to noon . “One Call Away” already hit #4 on the Billboard Breakout Chart. Earlier this year Harper’s hit single “Euphoria” reached #1 on the Billboard Charts. Clearly an already proven artist of great ability Dr. Ron will discuss the challenges, successes and future of the amazing Harper Starling. The Dr. Ron Show originates from Universal Broadcasting Network, Sunset Gower Studios, Hollywood, CA.
The Dr. Ron Show is produced and hosted by Dr. Ron Irwin and is dedicated to advancing health, wealth and happiness through a wide and diverse range of guests and personal commentary.
SPECIAL NOTE: While firmly dedicated to the joys and successes of Harper Starling and her many fans Dr. Ron Irwin shall begin this week’s show with his personal commentary on the savage murder of eleven innocent humans at The Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh last Saturday.
The show may be heard live here.