Mexico: Reporters against Silence
The Los Angeles Post-Examiner is pleased to showcase Alex Ormaza’s documentary – Reporters against Silence. Ormaza, a Fulbright Scholar with more than two decades of journalism experience in bilingual, multicultural and international environments, provides a powerful film about the dangers of reporting the truth in a country at war with the cartels.
This week we will be presenting exclusive interviews in this special report. This three-part series focuses on how Mexico organized crime enforcers are killing, kidnapping and threatening journalist at an alarming rate. Drug cartels are targeting journalists to prevent them from reporting their criminal activities.
For journalists covering drug trafficking and organized crime along the Mexico-U.S. border it is perhaps the most dangerous job in the world. This danger is not just for the traditional journalists but bloggers and citizen journalists who use social media to report on Los Zetas activities are also being targeted.
Journalists don’t set out to be heroes, but what many are doing in Mexico is nothing short of heroic.
Watch the preview and stay tuned for the series.
El diario Los Angeles Post-Examiner se complace en exhibir el documental de Alex Ormaza – Reporteros contra el Silencio. Ormaza, becario Fulbright con más de dos décadas de experiencia en periodismo en ambientes bilingües y multiculturales e internacionales, proporciona una película de gran alcance sobre los peligros de informar la verdad en un país en guerra contra los cárteles.
Esta semana estaremos presentando entrevistas exclusivas de este informe especial. Esta serie de tres partes se centra en cómo el crimen organizado de México están matando, secuestrando y amenazando a periodistas a un ritmo alarmante. Carteles de la droga se dirigen a los periodistas para impedirles informar de sus actividades delictivas.

We are not the typical news website – nor do we wish to be. We will be offering more than news and blogs, but an opportunity for fiction writers, poets, comedians and musicians to showcase their talent and skills. Much like when the Beatles formed Apple Corps Ltd, they opened the door to all kinds of inspiring talent that never really got a shot. From that came the likes of James Taylor and others. We hope by providing a similar approach we can shine the light on some tremendous undiscovered talent and at the same time offer some familiar voices who live in Los Angeles and beyond.