Tennessee Williams Unscripted is great live entertainment
It is a show like no other. Oh there are fine actors on stage and the general theme follows to some extent the style of Tennessee Williams. So it is set in America’s deep south, in the state of Florida at a mountain top resort. For the geographically challenged there are no mountains in Florida but there sure was in the latest offering from Impro Theatre’s Tennessee Williams Unscripted currently appearing at the Falcon Theatre.
It begins when the cast strolls upon the stage and asks for suggestions from the audience. They want to know about one thing that has special meaning for them, the audience member. After a few ideas are shared it is agreed that the team will work with a brass bowl and off they go. What appears next is a steady stream of wit and hilarity – all improvised. It becomes abundantly clear that this cast is absolutely “off book” – way off book as it truly is a masterpiece of improvisation.
Impro Theatre was founded as Los Angeles Theatresports in 1988 and quickly evolved from a highly successful short form improve group into a critically acclaimed theatre company. Impro creates totally improvised full length plays in the styles of the world’s most renowned writers, thus assuring that each performance is totally unique. So does their latest series of shows entitled Tennessee Williams UnScripted actual look and feel like a Tennessee Williams play? Well, not exactly but the flavor is clearly evident.
What is abundantly evident is the superb skills of each player. Their quick wit and steady focus provides non-stop high energy entertainment. The overall performance was significantly enhanced by a very sharp tech crew. Taken as a whole Tennessee Williams UnScripted is a very unique and thoroughly enjoyable piece of theatre art.
Treat yourself to an evening of memorable fun at the Falcon Theatre, 4252 Riverside Drive, Burbank, California. Tennessee Williams UnScripted is playing now through July 31st 2016. Showtimes are Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays at 4:00 p.m. Reservations and ticketing are available either by calling 818-955-8101 or online at: FalconTheatre.com.
Ron Irwin was born in Chicago, Illinois a long time ago. He served in the Marine Corps in Vietnam, became a trial lawyer, TV and radio host, CEO of a public company and once held an Emmy. He never won an Emmy he just held one. Ron has written and published twelve books. His most important book to date is “Live, Die, Live Again” in which Ron tells of his early life and his unexpected and very temporary death in 2012. That experience dramatically refocused his life and within the pages of that book Ron reveals how he achieved a much healthier life, ridding himself of Diabetes, Cancer and Heart Failure. Now Ron enjoys writing about many things including health topics, travel [he has circled the globe several times], adventure, culinary experiences and the world of performing art. Ron’s motto is “Live better, live longer and live stronger because it feels great and annoys others.” Contact the author.