Beating obesity: Is Jenny Craig Your Ticket to Weight Loss?
In a recent study published in the “Annals of Internal Medicine” Jenny Craig was named one of the most effective weight loss programs. That is a very good thing for Jenny Craig and their clients. Jenny Craig offers two programs, the pay as you go program at $39 a month plus the cost of meals and the all access premium program which requires an initial payment of $299 plus $13 per month and, of course, the cost of meals.
In the pay as you go plan they do offer a special lose 20 pounds for only $20 plus cost of food feature which seems attractive but which in my opinion does seem to run the risk of setting up a bounce back effect. The premium package promises to return the $299 in two payments, one payment of $149 once you reach your target weight and a second payment of $150 when you have maintained your target weight for one year.
Food costs about $3.50 minimum per meal depending on your chosen plan. You would typically be eating at least three meals a day so that brings expense up to $10.50 per day or about $315 per month, but since you would need to purchase food regardless that is not a significant financial hit and when I reviewed their menu items they are very nutritionally balanced and low in calories, generally at 200 per meal. Beyond that you have weekly access to a consultant who can help you work your way through the plan.

If you happen to live near a Jenny Craig facility you may stop in for your weekly consult and to pick up your food. he other option is consultation over the internet and pay to have your food shipped to you. That is the essence of the Jenny Craig program and clearly it has produced good results for many people, but is it your best option?
Jenny Craig does focus entirely on your diet, happily not A diet but your diet, which is a great thing given that dietary choices in quality and quantity does represent about 80 percent of the weight control battle. So in that regard Jenny Craig is a good choice. Also the cost is reasonable with either plan. The pay as you go plan is $418 per year while the premium plan is $455 but with an option of getting a $299 refund if, but only if you both reach your goal and maintain your goal for a year.
In either case you are looking at just under $500 per year expense plus the cost of food which you need to purchase regardless of whether or not you are working with Jenny Craig. So when you look at $500 a year for guidance and great menu selections I would say it is a phenomenal value compared with the tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses you will sooner or later incur if you remain obese.
That said I do believe that there is one aspect of the Jenny Craig program that is missing and that is at least some attention to refocusing your lifestyle by reducing sedentary behavior and increasing movement significantly. Yes as already mentioned diet is 80 percent of the weight control battle but the other 20 percent being exercise is also vital and contributes to the dietary success as well. Movement does burn calories so if your calorie intake remains constant as your movement steadily increases you will burn increasing amounts of calories resulting in more rapid weight loss.
Additionally your metabolism will be enhanced through more movement and that too offers significant health advantages. And then there are those endorphins, the all-natural totally legal internally generated wonder drug that makes you feel great. Endorphins are released through movement, lots of movement and feeling great just adds even more incentive to your weight lose goal. Plus in the big picture a truly healthy lifestyle requires a balance that includes good dietary choices coupled with a rational level of movement also known as exercise.
So by all means if you know that you really do need to shed some pounds take a good long look at Jenny Craig. You may find it to be exactly what you need or it is also possible that you are not moved by what they offer. They do seem to offer a proven program at a reasonable cost and it has proven itself effective with thousands of people. But regardless of whether or not you go with Jenny Craig or some other program, or even if you just finally take total control over your dietary input also be sure to concurrently enhance your physical movement through a rational regime of good exercise and combined you can achieve far better health, live longer, live stronger and enjoy the heavenly bliss of annoying others.
Walk Your Way to Better Health
Yes indeed walk for health and also for joy and then share your walking experience to inspire others. Please write and email your favorite walking experience to me at: [email protected]. Where did you walk, what did you see, how long was your walk and anything else you want to reveal. Please include a few photos with your email. Submissions will be accepted now though November 10, 2016 and the winner will receive a free copy of Lose Live the ultimate guide to good health and weight loss. Your story will also appear in this publication.
And join us for the Hollywood Health Hike. Together we can feel great and begin to win the war on obesity and ill health.
You can, at any time, get your very own copy of my true and real guide to effective and permanent weight loss, Lose Live available at, and Just be sure to keep checking in right here for regular updates. And if you have a question or comment for me please send your email to: [email protected]
Copyright © 2016 Ron Irwin
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 – Part 6 – Part 7 – Part 8 – Part 9
Part 10 – Part 11 – Part 12 – Part 13 – Part 14 – Part 15 – Part 16 – Part 17 – Part 18
Photos by Ron Irwin unless otherwise noted

Ron Irwin was born in Chicago, Illinois a long time ago. He served in the Marine Corps in Vietnam, became a trial lawyer, TV and radio host, CEO of a public company and once held an Emmy. He never won an Emmy he just held one. Ron has written and published twelve books. His most important book to date is “Live, Die, Live Again” in which Ron tells of his early life and his unexpected and very temporary death in 2012. That experience dramatically refocused his life and within the pages of that book Ron reveals how he achieved a much healthier life, ridding himself of Diabetes, Cancer and Heart Failure. Now Ron enjoys writing about many things including health topics, travel [he has circled the globe several times], adventure, culinary experiences and the world of performing art. Ron’s motto is “Live better, live longer and live stronger because it feels great and annoys others.” Contact the author.